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  1. #21
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Lumy View Post
    Did you purchase an ensamble, not learn it, and then refund it? The addon tracks what ensembles have been purchased, without checking what has been learned as far as I can tell.
    so basically it's useless then? Because I've purchased numerous ensembles and had to return them because Blizzard can't seem to fucking figure out how the cunting fuck to make some ensemble sets say "already known" and be redded out so you don't buy them. that's right, I said some. Because they have figured out how to do some of them, but not fucking all of them. Just on my hunter now, at Pythagorus and he has 4 mail items on the 2nd page - 2 of them are redded out, 2 not. Yet I have all 4, because when I buy the two that are not "already known" guess what message I get when I try to use them

  2. #22
    The addon just tracks what you bought, so it doesn't know what you bought before installing it, and it doesn't work if you play wow on different computers. So yeah, it's kinda, well, lackluster.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    The addon just tracks what you bought, so it doesn't know what you bought before installing it, and it doesn't work if you play wow on different computers. So yeah, it's kinda, well, lackluster.
    well that's annoying I was going to install it to make sure I got all the class sets since for some reason the game never updates you if/when you bought them

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