Poll: What's the #1 reason people get on your ignore list?

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  1. #1

    Question How do people get on your ignore list?

    The ignore feature is there for reasons. It gives us the option to avoid players we don't want to game with anymore. Used to be, the #1 way someone got on my ignore list was being rude in chat. I don't care if they're being rude to me or to someone else, and I'm not talking about constructive feedback. I'm talking about comments intended to make the other person feel bad about themselves. Not "You should take into account group comp when deciding how many casters to pull", but rather "You suk and should quit wow." Players making those kinds of comments to anyone go on my ignore list.

    More recently though, I am ignoring people every week for placing troll orders through the crafting system. Not talking about Darkspear or Zandalari orders - Those are ok. Talking about orders with no mats and no tip. Or orders omitting the 3,000g mat and with only a 5g tip. The crafting table gives you the option to ignore those players, so you won't waste your time opening their orders ever again, and I add more of them to my list every week. I think there may be more on my list for this now than for rudeness in groups!

    How about you? What's the #1 reason people get on your ignore list?
    Last edited by Felfaadaern Darkterror; 2024-06-23 at 07:13 AM.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  2. #2
    Very rarely do I ignore other people, just the one or two times I've been verbally abused.

    However - lots of people put me on ignore because of my disability.

    Challenge Mode : Play WoW like my disability has me play:
    You will need two people, Brian MUST use the mouse for movement/looking and John MUST use the keyboard for casting, attacking, healing etc.
    Briand and John share the same goal, same intentions - but they can't talk to each other, however they can react to each other's in game activities.
    Now see how far Brian and John get in WoW.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Felfaadaern Darkterror View Post
    The ignore feature is there for reasons. It gives us the option to avoid players we don't want to game with anymore. Used to be, the #1 way someone got on my ignore list was being rude in chat. I don't care if they're being rude to me or to someone else, and I'm not talking about constructive feedback. I'm talking about comments intended to make the other person feel bad about themselves. Not "You should take into account group comp when deciding how many casters to pull", but rather "You suk and should quit wow." Players making those kinds of comments to anyone go on my ignore list.

    More recently though, I am ignoring people every week for placing troll orders through the crafting system. Not talking about Darkspear or Zandalari orders - Those are ok. Talking about orders with no mats and no tip. Or orders omitting the 3,000g mat and with only a 5g tip. The crafting table gives you the option to ignore those players, so you won't waste your time opening their orders ever again, and I add more of them to my list every week. I think there may be more on my list for this now than for rudeness in groups!

    How about you? What's the #1 reason people get on your ignore list?
    I don't ignore people.

    I think it's pathetic to do so.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by HansOlo View Post
    I don't ignore people.

    I think it's pathetic to do so.
    If you like gaming with rude people, that's your prerogative. Enjoy!
    I prefer gaming with people who are chill and friendly.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  5. #5
    Think the only people on my ignore list are people who leave mid m+ run without a word.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    Very rarely do I ignore other people, just the one or two times I've been verbally abused.

    However - lots of people put me on ignore because of my disability.
    Sorry to hear that. You never know what challenges others are dealing with. That's why I never get rude in comms or in chat.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  7. #7
    Boring people and irritating people get ignored. I love it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Felfaadaern Darkterror View Post
    Sorry to hear that. You never know what challenges others are dealing with. That's why I never get rude in comms or in chat.
    To be fair, i doubt lots of people ignore anyone simply because they have a disability, unless they're massive assholes.

    If you join a group, explain why you might struggle with something because of whatever disablity and they tell you to fuck off and ignore you, they are massive assholes.
    If you join a group and dont perform as people expect and when you get asked/called out, you are a massive asshole about it and start insulting everyone and then expect no pushback because of a disability, you should be ignored. Not because of the disability but because you're an asshole.

    Not saying schwarzkopf does this, just that a disablity is not a free card to be an asshole. You can be both disabled and also a dick.
    I'ts not just safe, it's 40% safe.

  9. #9
    If I dont want to see you in chat, I put you on the ignore list.

    It doesnt happen quite as often as that suggests, but its very easy to get on my ignore list. The thing is, I often remove names from there too. Qualifier for that to happen is that I dont remember why your name was put in there.

    So while people get on my list relatively often, they also get removed from there often.

  10. #10
    The only people that go on my ignore list are people who put in crafting work orders with no mats.

  11. #11
    I've put two people on ignore in retail in the last 10 years with the first one being when I had a small social guild in BFA which didn't raid and we had a guy join who just spammed chat constantly about raids. He then said something misogynistic to one of the women in the guilds and so got kicked... to then still spam me in whispers asking about raids.

    The other one was a Czech guy who went absolutely mental about me using they singularly and tried tried to correct me about my own fucking language (apparently his English degree never taught him they could be singular) but it eventually devolved into him yelling homophobic, transphobic and other phobic insults at me for doing something that is incredibly common in everyday english.

    When WoW Classic launched I had 80+ people on ignore within 2 weeks because jesus christ that community was a cesspool (there were nice people in classic but I came across wayyyyyy more arseholes than I have in retail - possibly because you don't usually see retail people again).

  12. #12
    In my 20 years of wow I put two people on the ignore list, one ninjalooter in wotlk and in vanilla someone who lied (not wow related).
    Oh, and some were automatically added when you block/report them when they were able to send calendar invites or whatever things were possible then.

  13. #13
    I ignore people that I don’t want to encounter in LFR and LFG again. Could be rudeness, but usually it’s just someone playing in a way I don’t enjoy. Like someone going so fast in remix dungeons that you can’t even loot or get a spell off. They’re allowed to play however they like, but I never want to be in a group with them again, so I ignore them. They won’t know, problem solved.

  14. #14
    I generally put everyone offering aotc or stuff like that for gold in chat in my ignore list.
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  15. #15
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Bots mainly... I don't think I had many people on my ignore list outside of bots.

    Back in the early days of WoW (2005 - 2009) I would instead of putting people on my ignore list I would make note of them in a little book I had, which included a list of ninjas or a-holes, and would keep track of them... It was like a hit list or a revenge list that I never got around to, but they just remained there. to this day I have the list and that old little book, which contained so much like crafting materials I needed or stuff I owed guildies... man I loved those early days. This was back in the days when a relam was a tight knit community and you kind of knew everyone on that realm, unlike today where everything is phased, multi-layered, cross-realmed and you never meet the same person twice.

    I never put any normal person on my ignore list though, if they were shit to me, or rude I never used the ignore feature, I tend to just let it slide and that was the end of it... Never had any serial harassers or anythign so I never needed to ignore. then again I never engaged in online arguments online.

    The only time I ever argued with someone was back in TBC and it was with a guild member, which we eventually patched up and worked out.
    Last edited by Orby; 2024-06-23 at 11:25 AM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  16. #16
    for me only 1 reason to prevent them from replying after i say my peace to them

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Lordofbelbol View Post
    for me only 1 reason to prevent them from replying after i say my peace to them
    You’re proud of this?

  18. #18
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    A torrent of abusive language and/or profanity is probably the only reason I'd ignore someone in WoW - I can only think of a handful of times it's proven necessary just to stem the spam-like flow of garbage from another player.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  19. #19
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Using the ignore list in-game, or anywhere for that matter, is a sign of weakness. Through sheer will and discipline somebody can ignore somebody else. Be strong out there.

  20. #20
    This expansion it was almost exclusively saps who think they'll get lucky and someone will craft a work order with no mats and money for them.

    Otherwise it's usually people who don't know when to shut up. I don't mind swearing, insults and rudeness, but I do mind if it's lame and pathetic.

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