1. #1

    How does open world loot work?

    I'm levelling in Dragonflight so on some quests there are plenty of other players around and we often end up attacking the same mobs or grouping to take down elite open world mobs.

    How does loot work in this context? Is it duplicated for anyone who attacked the mob?

    If I join in a group taking down an open world boss towards the end of the fight should I take the loot it shows me or leave it for guys attacking the boss before me?

    I've searched for some guides on this but all I've found is either out-of-date or is about dungeons and raids.

  2. #2
    Any loot you see, you should take. You’re not taking it away from anyone else. Even if you’re in a group or in a dungeon, loot every corpse you see — the game only shows it to you if it's your "turn," so to speak.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Neutrin0 View Post
    I'm levelling in Dragonflight so on some quests there are plenty of other players around and we often end up attacking the same mobs or grouping to take down elite open world mobs.

    How does loot work in this context? Is it duplicated for anyone who attacked the mob?

    If I join in a group taking down an open world boss towards the end of the fight should I take the loot it shows me or leave it for guys attacking the boss before me?

    I've searched for some guides on this but all I've found is either out-of-date or is about dungeons and raids.
    Anything that is not from raiding is personal loot, meaning anything that drops is just given to whoever gets lucky.

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