Let's say you sort by realm right, and you have 50 characters, right? It would be easier to go to realm selection and select the realm you want rather than scrolling all the way down the first 40 characters.
Let's say you sort by realm right, and you have 50 characters, right? It would be easier to go to realm selection and select the realm you want rather than scrolling all the way down the first 40 characters.
good for you
now can you at least try to understand not everybody have to agree with you on this and that people can have issues with the system you dont have?
i think this system is fine, but i still think it will need A LOT small improvements (some which might be in just not working properly), and untill it have them to me personaly its worse than the old system
I hope BLizzard eventually lets modders mod that part of the UI because damn it looks bad.
It's also worth noting that the search bar doesn't allow you to search by server, only character name or class.
That's slightly less useful if you're a person who uses the same handful of names on every server.
Talk about disingenuous. Even if you actively and frequently play with, like, 6 or 8 characters, it's so easy to just drag those 6 to 8 characters to the top of your character list so all you have to do is do maybe half a roll of your mousewheel.
Using stupidly hyperbolic statements like that really doesn't help your already weak arguments at all. Literally no one is saying "game is ruined because of the warband login screen" in any serious manner.P.S. Again everything boils down to egoistic "Game is ok for me and I don't care about anybody else". GAME IS RUINED FOR SOME PLAYERS NOW.
Old character selection screen's core functionality: pick a character to log into the game.Feature, that was intended to make character selection screen a little bit more immersive has destroyed it's core functionality.
Warband's character selection screen core functionality: pick a character to log into the game.
Seems their "core functionality" is still the exact same.
The only thing that really needs to be fixed is the warband bank feature. Nothing else. And even without the bank, the feature is still an improvement overall.If Blizzard won't fix it within week - then it's better to revert this change.
Hmm. Perhaps you should leave the game like we've been telling you for several threads since WoW is no longer a game for you?Cuz I don't want to be stuck with this c**p for months.
- - - Updated - - -
He also mentioned how he goes OOM when fighting a single mob of the same level as he was, and that the game has "hidden AI algorithm" that actively works against him that not only knows what items he's trying to farm but also lowers the drop rate of said specific items, so take what he writes with a grain of salt.
"Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
"You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
"They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...
The names could be smaller.
It only took them three months.
I like idea of modded login screen like that:
Last edited by Tziva; 2024-10-20 at 07:46 AM. Reason: mod edit: please do not embed large images; link or thumbnail
That is the issue I have with the list. It is not organized at all. Imagine not sorting your clothes and have just one big box where they are put in.
Blizzard will probably (should) be fixing in a future update. Right now, it is just a mess. Personally, I prefer the old system.
Yeah, the disorganization is a fair point, and I agree completely with it.
I agree with your example too, except you do have an option to organize it. Like taking all your clothes from all seasons and purposes and shoving them in a box, that's what we have at first. But you do have the option of organizing that box in a way that makes sense to you. Yeah it's annoying, but the option is there
But the premise of the OP was that it "limits" character selection which is just false. It doesn't limit anything, but I agree that it does make it more annoying at first.
You can change realms, press the realm button(!), and you can have more characters than 5, use them damn scroll function(!), my friend! As well, those two pictures ain't even the same resolution, I think.. Minimise your favourite list to see more(!) Move your characters out of the Warband group and minimise it(!) These are things you should've explored before making a thread!
Edit: Realised that this thread is old
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..
I think if they scale the names and info down and potentially add server tabs it will be fine.
Pressing the realm button doesn't change which characters are displayed onscreen, it's your entire character list no matter what realm you "select" from the list. That seems to only affect new character creation, which is an odd choice.
Also, no need for the attitude. From a usability standpoint, the new character creation screen is worse for people who regularly hop across large numbers of alts. No use pretending this isn't a step backwards for a certain number of players.
No, it doesn't change what is on the list, but it does change some display factors, like available character boosts. I have a huge amount of alts, and the new list helps me a lot more in managing it - only down side is the automated gear boost thing, which bugs or doesn't display if you aren't looking on the realm that you have it on.
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..