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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by Lochton View Post
    As well, those two pictures ain't even the same resolution, I think.. Minimise your favourite list to see more(!) Move your characters out of the Warband group and minimise it
    Those are the same resolutions, and as I said, other people who play on higher resolution, still have less characters visible than they did before (on the same resolution)

    These are the things you should've explored in this thread before making a reply, all of your """"suggestions""" have already been answered in this thread.

  2. #142
    Adapt, surely the UI could have been better but its not like you cant access your characters.

  3. #143
    I wish the warband chars wouldn't pose when you select, looks so fucking dumb. Their hanging out around the warband sites looks way better by default.

    But even that was clearly phoned in. Could be sitting at tables, doing some action around the camp not just like randomly on sitting on the ground with the camp behind them
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoura View Post
    I have since quit WoW, which is also a way to solve this.

    (not because of this, but I am sure it played a role)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by prwraith View Post
    I wish the warband chars wouldn't pose when you select, looks so fucking dumb. Their hanging out around the warband sites looks way better by default.

    But even that was clearly phoned in. Could be sitting at tables, doing some action around the camp not just like randomly on sitting on the ground with the camp behind them
    We could have also gotten different backgrounds, but that would take too much actual work.

  5. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    We could have also gotten different backgrounds, but that would take too much actual work.
    Or, just maybe, we'll get different backgrounds in the future as they iterate.

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Thirtyrock View Post
    Or, just maybe, we'll get different backgrounds in the future as they iterate.
    Maybe (and maybe we won't)

    But wouldn't it be better if they actually shipped the feature as complete?

  7. #147
    Man, I want to have your luxurious lives where this is some kind of issue to whine about. Jesus fucking christ.

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    Maybe (and maybe we won't)

    But wouldn't it be better if they actually shipped the feature as complete?
    The term "complete feature" is so nebulous that it isn't useful. This is a "give a mouse a cookie" situation. They gave us warbands, which brought a lot of improvements to managing alts. Is it perfect? No, of course not, but that doesn't mean it's not complete. That means it doesn't have all the bells and whistles we might want.

    Here's the thing, though. Even if they took every single one of your suggestions and put them in, we'd see a new thread made by someone who's pet idea didn't get added, wondering why warbands suck so bad.

    There's a saying in the tech world, version 1.0 is better than none.0. That's where we are, 1.0. For most players, I suspect they're largely happy or, at worst, ambivalent to warbands.

    Maybe they deliberately didn't expand the background options because they want those to be added at certain times, like major patches, at expansions, or somethign like that. Maybe they will add them as meta achievements. Maybe this is what we're stuck with forever, though I hope not.
    But we don't KNOW why they didn't include more backgrounds at launch. We only know they didn't.

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Thirtyrock View Post
    They gave us warbands, which brought a lot of improvements to managing alts. Is it perfect? No, of course not, but that doesn't mean it's not complete. T.

    It was, by their own admission, not complete, as adding a realm filter took them three months after launch to implement.

  10. #150
    To be honest I do like the "main" Warband group, but hate that beyond your 4 favorites it goes back to the standard character selection (which is also a cluttered mess, with all realms smushed together). I can only hope they expand the feature with more backgrounds and all so that we can sort our alts into more groups.

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinte View Post
    Man, I want to have your luxurious lives where this is some kind of issue to whine about. Jesus fucking christ.
    As you take time out of your life to reply on a fansite. Honestly you may want to take a good long look in the mirror lmao.

    Critiquing the game, totally normal, acting like you're above and beyond this while engaging in the discussion just makes you look like an idiot.
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  12. #152
    This is a complete none issue. You're just looking for things to be upset about at this point.

    You can move characters up and down on the right side accordingly, you can remove the favorites option entirely, and just have them like it was before.

    What a waste of a thread.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    you can remove the favorites option entirely, and just have them like it was before.

    What a waste of a thread.
    No you cannot, as demonstrated by the two screenshots in my first post

    a true waste is you making a reply, despite not reading anything posted before in the thread. Why would you do that?

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    It was, by their own admission, not complete, as adding a realm filter took them three months after launch to implement.
    Did they say it was not complete, specifically, or are you using the fact that they added something to it as evidence of their admission? If there's an admission that it wasn't complete, can you shoot me a link?

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by Thirtyrock View Post
    Did they say it was not complete, specifically, or are you using the fact that they added something to it as evidence of their admission? If there's an admission that it wasn't complete, can you shoot me a link?
    Filtering by Realm was working on PTR, but not on launch.
    That's my indirect proof of the feature launching (at least the filter) broken.

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinte View Post
    Man, I want to have your luxurious lives where this is some kind of issue to whine about. Jesus fucking christ.
    This makes no sense. This is a forum about a particular game, it's the place to voice concerns and issues. It has nothing to do with real life issues or luxurious lives. We all live luxurious lives if we have the time and money to play a game and post about it. Just because my dog is sick (which he is), doesn't mean I can't have a problem with the game. I'm sure the same goes for the OP and others in this thread who 'whine' about the new character select.

  17. #157
    I swear some of you will complain for the sake of complaining, and not because there’s something to complain about Karen training grounds for sure.

  18. #158
    Too late. I've already abandoned Warband character selection screen (via taking all characters out of Warband and collapsing Warband list) and wasted my time on sorting all my characters by realm.

  19. #159
    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    This is a complete none issue. You're just looking for things to be upset about at this point.

    You can move characters up and down on the right side accordingly, you can remove the favorites option entirely, and just have them like it was before.

    What a waste of a thread.
    How? I'd love to remove the "4 characters sit at the bonfire" screen and get old way back. Please tell me how because I honestly can't find the way.

  20. #160
    Field Marshal ShadowOfThePast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    How? I'd love to remove the "4 characters sit at the bonfire" screen and get old way back. Please tell me how because I honestly can't find the way.
    Just drag them off of it and drop to the regular list and then collapse/close the "favorites". Then you have the oldschool list of all chars on one list.

    Edit: A bonus tip is that if you reduce the UI scale you will fit more characters on the selection screen. I have mine at 65 if I recall right (playing 1440p) and I got 2-3 more characters name on screen I think.
    Last edited by ShadowOfThePast; 2024-10-24 at 09:59 AM.

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