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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowOfThePast View Post
    Just drag them off of it and drop to the regular list and then collapse/close the "favorites". Then you have the oldschool list of all chars on one list.

    Edit: A bonus tip is that if you reduce the UI scale you will fit more characters on the selection screen. I have mine at 65 if I recall right (playing 1440p) and I got 2-3 more characters name on screen I think.
    Thanks, still looks a bit awkward because of space taken by "favourites" tab but it will have to do.

    As for UI scale sadly it can't be applied only to the selection screen and affects in game UI ;/

  2. #162
    Warbands is a mess. What does it really add to the game? Could've just made everything account bound, from achievements, currency, etc. But no, we have this extremely messy character screen and limiting feature forcing people to only play 5 characters instead of more. Hope they remove this stupid feature next expansion.

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Daronokk View Post
    forcing people to only play 5 characters instead of more.
    What? Where did you get that from?

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    What? Where did you get that from?
    The new Timewarped badges rewards, for example.

    It's geared towards people finishing the 500badge quest on as many characters ss possible, instead of grinding the badges on one single character.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowOfThePast View Post

    Edit: A bonus tip is that if you reduce the UI scale you will fit more characters on the selection screen. I have mine at 65 if I recall right (playing 1440p) and I got 2-3 more characters name on screen I think.
    The smallest scale still doesn't fit the same amount of characters on the logging screen as before the prepatch, AND it affects your UI in game too, so I'd have to change the UI before every logging off, and change it back when I log in, that's not ideal

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    How? I'd love to remove the "4 characters sit at the bonfire" screen and get old way back. Please tell me how because I honestly can't find the way.
    Yep, just do what ShadowOfThePast stated. It works just fine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    The new Timewarped badges rewards, for example.

    It's geared towards people finishing the 500badge quest on as many characters ss possible, instead of grinding the badges on one single character.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The smallest scale still doesn't fit the same amount of characters on the logging screen as before the prepatch, AND it affects your UI in game too, so I'd have to change the UI before every logging off, and change it back when I log in, that's not ideal
    You're just looking to bitch and complain about anything at this point. This poster gave you a situation that works, just like I said, and you're still complaining even though it solved your issue. Grow up.

  6. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    Yep, just do what ShadowOfThePast stated. It works just fine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You're just looking to bitch and complain about anything at this point. This poster gave you a situation that works, just like I said, and you're still complaining even though it solved your issue. Grow up.
    It doesn't work, and has already been discussed three months ago.

    I am glad we FINALLY got the most basic of features (that should have been released on launch), in the realm filter.
    And it only took three months.

    I don't expect them to add UI scale, or additional backgrounds, not until the end of expansion anyways.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    Filtering by Realm was working on PTR, but not on launch.
    That's my indirect proof of the feature launching (at least the filter) broken.
    Fair enough! I agree that that indicates that it was either not complete or broken. I didn't play PTR, so I'll take your word for it. I appreciate you providing context/evidence

  8. #168
    Altoholic's always find a way to complain lulz

  9. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    The new Timewarped badges rewards, for example.

    It's geared towards people finishing the 500badge quest on as many characters ss possible, instead of grinding the badges on one single character.
    How does that limit you to play only 5 characters?

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    How does that limit you to play only 5 characters?
    I misread the comment you were quoting, my bad.

    No, my argument was the exact opposite, blizzard wants you to be playing multiple characters, as more and more features are becoming unobtainable on a single character.

  11. #171
    Acho que o OP ainda não percebeu isto:

  12. #172
    Imagine a scroll bar being the bane of your existence lol

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    Imagine a scroll bar being the bane of your existence lol
    - "Hey, we'll make you scroll from now on, for no reason"

    - "It was fine the way it was, can we go back?"


    no, but can read the thread before posting?

  14. #174
    Field Marshal ShadowOfThePast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daronokk View Post
    Warbands is a mess. What does it really add to the game? Could've just made everything account bound, from achievements, currency, etc. But no, we have this extremely messy character screen and limiting feature forcing people to only play 5 characters instead of more. Hope they remove this stupid feature next expansion.
    You do realise that "Warband" is just a fancy name for the account wide stuff..?? That's why you have all the characters on the same screen now because they are all in the same "Warband". The Warbound bank or "Warbank" as I call it is something you can use on ALL of your characters on your account. I don't think it's a stupid system and it's not going anywhere..most likely it's just gonna get developed to be better. The favorites on your character selection screen is not your Warband it's just your favorite characters. Blizzard cleared this confusion long time ago before the game even went live.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    The smallest scale still doesn't fit the same amount of characters on the logging screen as before the prepatch, AND it affects your UI in game too, so I'd have to change the UI before every logging off, and change it back when I log in, that's not ideal

    I play on a 27" @1440p so the scale works for me just fine. It's not as many characters on screen as the previous had but still a lot better if you don't like to have "favorites" on top so you can get rid of that if you like.

    Before they changed it you had to scroll down too if you had many characters so the scrolling for your characters is nothing new that only came with TWW.

    And your rant about the 500 timewarped badges and how you need many characters to farm the 500 badge thing is not working anymore because Blizzard changed it so that you only get the 500 bonus on the FIRST char you do it with. If you wanna do it with alts they only get 200 now after.

    No one is reguiring you to play more alts it was always optional and if someone gets a bonus for playing more (with alts) then it's ok because they did the extra work for it.

  15. #175
    Pandaren Monk Huntermyth's Avatar
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    '' how can you tell me you're a spoiled kid without telling me you're a spoiled kid ? ''
    war does not determine who is right, only who is left.

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    - "Hey, we'll make you scroll from now on, for no reason"

    - "It was fine the way it was, can we go back?"


    no, but can read the thread before posting?
    The scroll bar actually existed before TWW. You just didn't have enough characters.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    The scroll bar actually existed before TWW. You just didn't have enough characters.
    No, I had my characters foldered under different realms (something they also removed)

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    No, I had my characters foldered under different realms (something they also removed)
    Realm hopping was way more annoying than some slight scrolling through a list.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Realm hopping was way more annoying than some slight scrolling through a list.
    You're correct, but it was a way to organise your characters.

    They took that customisation away, and threw all your characters into a single list.

    A way to solve this would be to offer new ways to 'folder' your characters (permanently - I know you can 'folder' them temporarily by using the search function, but you have to do this every time you are in the logging screen)

  20. #180
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    It's a design choice on a character selection screen, so it feels a bit grasping. But I do get that a nice to have might be folders and/or additional options for sorting and consolidating characters, particularly on different realms. But Blizzard has also said they plan to add different background screens for the favorites that can be earned. So possibly more enhancements will come later on with those.

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