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  1. #61
    The event feels a lot better now. They basically doubled the amount of currency you get. 200 from objectives, 3000 from quest, 1400 from boss, 25 from rares. If the objective is killing an elite like hogger, you get the 200 for the objective and the 25 for killing a "rare". Did the event for 1h and got around 15k residue doing the objectives, killing the boss 4 times and turning in the quest.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    It's not gone by any measure but it's much better. You can actually use abilities instead of just standing there and doing nothing for up to 20 seconds anymore.
    Last few bosses I’ve killed I haven’t experienced any lag, prior to that I was so yeah they’ve done something

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by lordjust View Post
    The event feels a lot better now. They basically doubled the amount of currency you get. 200 from objectives, 3000 from quest, 1400 from boss, 25 from rares. If the objective is killing an elite like hogger, you get the 200 for the objective and the 25 for killing a "rare". Did the event for 1h and got around 15k residue doing the objectives, killing the boss 4 times and turning in the quest.
    Also you get lots of gear from it too. An addon of mine said I needed 188k to buy everything, that’s down from the 300k-ish that people were saying it was

  3. #63
    While the changes are great it doesn't excuse them almost always launching events in deplorable states.
    Cause this is nothing new ... Long wait times, specific time, low currency earn, reliance on alts, lag ...
    Last edited by kranur; 2024-08-02 at 05:41 AM.

  4. #64
    Watch as people finish the event in 2 days then complain they got nothing to do until War Within starts.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhelyo View Post
    Watch as people finish the event in 2 days then complain they got nothing to do until War Within starts.
    That's their problem. Having the event too spaced out and granting a handful of currency when a ton is needed DOES NOT ADD ANY VALUE. This kind of event should be something you do a few times for fun, not something to stress about.

  6. #66
    Biggest issue is that the event is just plain boring, uninteresting pile of crap.

  7. #67
    So they actually made it how it was supposed to be in the first place.

    Cause how it was prior, it was the most booring pre-expansion patch I have ever seen. Do something for 5mins then .... nothing for 1h.

    They still are so idiots thinking that they NEED to be told how things should be done to be FUN.

    And about the lag .... that ... makes this entire game a pure solo/coop game. Cause whats the point of a world event if the zone/shard/whatever can't handle 100 people at the same time.

    I remember when Legion's Ashran was semi-world event and was working better then the crap instance event does now. Involution/regress.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by kranur View Post
    That's their problem. Having the event too spaced out and granting a handful of currency when a ton is needed DOES NOT ADD ANY VALUE. This kind of event should be something you do a few times for fun, not something to stress about.
    Adding to this, if like me you're grinding it out for alts from Remix, because for some daft reason we can't bring them over manually yet(?!?!), we have no idea how much we'll actually need and have zero time to prep. I wanted to grind bullion/crafted gear for my alts but I'll have like 3 days at best to do that, if I get time to play at all.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Jebz View Post
    Biggest issue is that the event is just plain boring, uninteresting pile of crap.
    Pre patch evens have almost always been boring and uninteresting since Cataclysm

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Kel_Sceptic View Post
    I remember when Legion's Ashran was semi-world event and was working better then the crap instance event does now. Involution/regress.
    A battleground working like a battleground?

    Open world not working like a battleground?

    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post

    I only view Warcraft up to MoP as canon.

  11. #71
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    Pre patch evens have almost always been boring and uninteresting since Cataclysm
    When you see event in playable state it's clear that more effort was put here than even beloved Legion invasions (not to mention shitty DF ones). Objectives are varied with many nostalgia hits and jokes (for example collecting bear asses for 1 thing in EK), it's clear devs had fun making this.

    Honestly, people who made this should be mad at person who thought it will be good idea to show it for 5 minutes and then left people with farming mobs for 1.5 hour.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostile View Post
    A battleground working like a battleground?

    Open world not working like a battleground?

    I was talking clearly refering about the LAG part. Don't know what you talking about.

    I hope you played "Vanilla Ashran" so you know what I am talking about when I say semi-open world ASHRAN battle.

    The current iteration of Ashran is laggy as hell, just as the events in the pre-expansion patch are.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Kel_Sceptic View Post
    I was talking clearly refering about the LAG part. Don't know what you talking about.

    I hope you played "Vanilla Ashran" so you know what I am talking about when I say semi-open world ASHRAN battle.

    The current iteration of Ashran is laggy as hell, just as the events in the pre-expansion patch are.
    It's already farl ess laggy now cause people are far more spread out time wise.
    Still laggy though, just not horribly laggy.

  14. #74
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    It's already farl ess laggy now cause people are far more spread out time wise.
    Still laggy though, just not horribly laggy.
    Dunno, I just did the Lich King and it took us more than 10 minutes just to kill him, dude didn't even do hardly any attacks because he was so lagged out. I'd say it's still horrible at times.

    This whole event is pretty lackluster, glad they added a free weekend so I could check it and peace out on Monday.

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