"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator
The fire swirl? That was 100% user error not sure if you are being sarcastic or not sry if you are...another poster even said if he had gone left instead of right he would have lived. Also don't clump up with 8 other people so you eat 8 other swirls at the same time. If only one swirl hit him he would not have died. Not to mention why is your camera facing upward to begin with where you can't see your own feet? That alone makes it user error for any negative consequences.
EDIT: The more I read your post the more I think you were being sarcastic my bad Im dumb lol
Last edited by Ereb; 2024-08-09 at 10:59 PM.
i am that typical „do all HC bosses - Curved“ and „3k rating m+“ guy, doing only pugs.
to me, DF raids and bosses were fine. endbosses, especially Raszageth and Sarkareth, were nice challenging. liked that. the others were well designed encounters. raids overall were nothing super special, but they were good. imo. only the immersion was a bit low. there was trash. and there were bosses.
thats it. but overall, as a pug player, i liked DF raids.
edit: the only downside of pug raids, imo, is the „system“ in general. its not very satisfying. you do 1 try, wait 20mins to fill up, do 1 try, rinse and repeat. that’s why i do more m+ these days. its way more accessible and fast-paced. imo.
Last edited by Niwes; 2024-08-09 at 11:19 PM.
"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator
They were good if you had a mythic or fun heroic team to jive with.. if not it was just booster dream and lfr/normal snooze.
Bro you can easily see what is going on here, one of your raiders fucked up the bomb and killed you all, otherwise you would have been fine.
also you gotta defend yourself, if someone calls you out for a bomb you did not have tell them "And I have it recorded too, if you don't beleive me I can upload it" or just link them the warcraft logs replay to show who had the bomb. A feature so god danmed amazing that easily lets you show exactly who did what.
"This tiny dark purple orb"
it is not tiny, it is VERY easy to see, so much so that even with ALL of you stacked, it is still easily noticable.
Also what dark purple adds? Boss does not summon dark purple adds.
Last edited by FelPlague; 2024-08-10 at 02:52 AM.
I think overall OK. I played melee DPS. My guild is pretty shit, we're your regular world 1000+ keyboard turning andys. We raid twice a week, normally finish several months after world firsts. So lot of them had been nerfed, some of them multiple times and mechanics had been "solved" and WAs relatively bug-free.
There was... 27(?) bosses in total. Do I remember names of of them and what they did? No. There was a lot of drakes that looked similar. Most of the bosses that stand out, do that for wrong reasons.
Early bosses were generally good and fun to play. Can't remember any huge problems or being annoyed on any of the early fights.
Kazarra was probably the best first mythic boss we've had.. ever? But apart from that, the early ones were tuned to be far too easy and I've largely forgotten them.
Generally the raid tuning and mechanics on the later bosses was all over the place. Some bosses were great, quite liked Fyrakk. Some were absolute total garbage like Echo of Neltharion.
Solid raids, solid bosses. Somewhat forgettable tuningwise, visually and thematically. I think lot of the unevenness was due to other system changes, like the talent stuff during first tier.
Last edited by AudibleEscalation; 2024-08-10 at 05:28 AM.
Did CE for each Tier, to note.
For Vault, I think the raid was actually pretty solid. Generally folks really hated Dathea though, which feels universal. I can see some annoyance with Raszageth, but we had like 4-5 Evokers lol, so ...yea.
Abberrus was more a wild ride for our team personally, but we all know the hiccups. Zskarn was a really miserable experience, knock backs are awful, really innocuous looking fires that left crazy dots. Echo was just a huge gd miss, jesus. Sark, to me, was one of the best fights they've made in a long time. No WA nonsense, it was a lot of group assignments, personal responsibility, timing. Felt like a great compilation of group movement and dancing.
Amirdrassil, well... we also know how that went. A bunch of really simple bosses, then a wall of difficult. For the easy bosses, Council was god awful, and should have been deleted. The others felt perfect though, tbh. Even Smolderon ig was actually kind of a banger. But man, balancing Amirdrassil for World First people messed it all up.
Blizzard wants to dynamically balance raids for each block of playerbase, but if they ever fuck up, you have entire groups of teams that get walled for way too long.
Overall raiding was fine.
Personally Season 4 really fell off and I really did not like running from one end of the raid to the other end in VOTI and Amirdrassil. And to be fair the legendary acquisition process was kinda meh - you first need a hell ton of luck (alt got his axe before our main DK), a hell lot of friends with right professions and tons of gold - however it could have been worse.
For my likings only Raszageth and Sarkareth were kinda strange as you could wipe really late in a try for individual failures. Some of mine guild mates still don't know how to handle the bomb. If you got a good PUG or went in with a boosting group it sometimes felt like night and day.
The biggest concern I have is that all the boosting kinda flipped of warcraftlogs (especially HC logs). I analyze my trys really hard (still only got in the 80% percentile) - but against BIS geared HC runners who sometimes do the raid 3-4 times a week you had no chance to improve much beyond that. Also group comp has been a major issue for us (no evoker, only 5 ranges in a 15man raid) - which could be hard for e.g. Nymue or Smolderon. Or having a DH/DK tank who can pretty much solo Fyrakk and the adds. But then again we are a casual "dad gamer" guild so noone expects a clear in week 1.
It still feels very strange that the first bosses on higher difficulty can be way easier than the last 3-4 bosses.
Now i only clear the raids once or twice on mythic then piss off.
I generally enjoyed the raids given that they are not my primary activity for the game i absolutely loved Dathea and Broodkeeper for the first tier, with Dathea being one of my favorite fights in a few expansions.
Myself i despise fights that go over 7 mins they start to feel like a fucking slog if you get into a late wipe its almost defeating and Raszageth was such a bad fight with the 2nd storm elemental phase being nothing but a pad and waste of 2 mins. Give me a solid fast paced boss fight not some slow and methodical fight that to me is a huge negative.
For Aberrus the only fight i really enjoyed was Zskarn but i feel like Zaqali would have been better with some more time cooking.
Amirdrassil had a bunch of banger fights with my only complaint is volcross with Nymue being such a lovely fight despite being fairly easy and simplistic. I would go as far as to say i enjoyed that raid almost as much as Blackrock Foundry from WoD ( my favorite single raid of all time ).
Pretty LFRish. I never would play organized raids again.
It's one of few things keeping DF back from being one of the very best expansions IMO - the lack of a really fantastic top tier raid. Vault was good, Aberrus I thought was great and Amirdrassil was fine, but we didn't get a Ulduar/Throne of Thunder/Karazhan (insert whatever top tier raid you want) that I think people will talk about years after DF has ended.