1. #1

    A levelling DH: Help me with rotations and talents

    Hello there,

    I am new to the Demon Hunter and at level 35 at the moment. I play with my sons and brother mostly, and want to enjoy challenging dungeons and maybe raids later.
    When I am levelling, which is mostly in dungeons, I have come upon a problem.

    I have too much fury as Havoc (and no good fury-sinks)
    I am uncertain of the best rotation (guides focus on max level)

    I hope you can help me clear some things up.

    SINGLE TARGET (DUNGEONS): Often bosses, since trash is in packs

    First to cast:
    • Felblade (fury)
    • Sigil of Flame (fury)
    • Immolation Aura (fury)
    • Demon’s Bite (fury)

    But in what order? Activate Immo before charging in with Felblade, laying Sigil of Flame and spamming Demon’s bite?

    Then I have SO much fury, which I want to spend on:
    • Metamorphosis (long CD though)
    • Blade Dance every 9.2 sec (CD)
    • Eye Beam every 40 sec
    • Chaos Strike

    But Chaos Strike does 437 damage and Demon’s Bite 422 damage, so there is only a little difference. And it costs fury, while the other generates. What am I missing here? That CS is getting better with talents improving it?
    What other sinks do I have/should I have?

    And then I don’t see the purpose of these:
    Throw Glaive (only to pull, the dps isn’t that high - but guides write about using it)
    Fel Rush (fine with many mobs due to AOE, though it slows down my other damage abilities before I rush back or jump back with VR)
    When are these useful? I think mostly about max dps with the best rotation.

    The rest of my skills are stuns, which are always fine and used as soon as possible
    • Fel Eruption
    • Chaos Nova
    • Sigil of Misery
    • Disrupt

    Others are defensive, which shouldn’t be needed that often:
    • Blur
    • Vengeful Retreat

    Kind of the same as above!

    I know there is something I am overlooking or misunderstanding. I hope you can help me My overall dps was 584 dps in last dungeon, which was scaled due to the other members of the run. A beastmaster hunter had 917 dps.

    Hope for some good advice, if you have the time!

  2. #2
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back.

  3. #3
    Don't worry about that before level cap, your toolkit isn't complete yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post

    I only view Warcraft up to MoP as canon.

  4. #4
    It's great that you're thinking about this stuff already, but honestly there are limits to what you can do with only half your eventual toolkit. What works for me is just playing with each new ability as you get it, so you get a feel for what it can and can't do. Get creative! Try using it in ways that weren't intended! You may learn tricks that will come in handy some day. Other than that, just enjoy the ride. Leveling used to take months; now it can be over in a week depending how ambitious you get and how much you play. Once you have access to everything, you can look for guides on WoWhead and YouTube. Also check out the class discord! Class discords are far more active than MMO-C, tbh, and more useful for learning latest tips. Blizz does tuning passes all the time, so it's good to keep up on the latest.


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