Hello there,
I am new to the Demon Hunter and at level 35 at the moment. I play with my sons and brother mostly, and want to enjoy challenging dungeons and maybe raids later.
When I am levelling, which is mostly in dungeons, I have come upon a problem.
I have too much fury as Havoc (and no good fury-sinks)
I am uncertain of the best rotation (guides focus on max level)
I hope you can help me clear some things up.
SINGLE TARGET (DUNGEONS): Often bosses, since trash is in packs
First to cast:
- Felblade (fury)
- Sigil of Flame (fury)
- Immolation Aura (fury)
- Demon’s Bite (fury)
But in what order? Activate Immo before charging in with Felblade, laying Sigil of Flame and spamming Demon’s bite?
Then I have SO much fury, which I want to spend on:
- Metamorphosis (long CD though)
- Blade Dance every 9.2 sec (CD)
- Eye Beam every 40 sec
- Chaos Strike
But Chaos Strike does 437 damage and Demon’s Bite 422 damage, so there is only a little difference. And it costs fury, while the other generates. What am I missing here? That CS is getting better with talents improving it?
What other sinks do I have/should I have?
And then I don’t see the purpose of these:
Throw Glaive (only to pull, the dps isn’t that high - but guides write about using it)
Fel Rush (fine with many mobs due to AOE, though it slows down my other damage abilities before I rush back or jump back with VR)
When are these useful? I think mostly about max dps with the best rotation.
The rest of my skills are stuns, which are always fine and used as soon as possible
- Fel Eruption
- Chaos Nova
- Sigil of Misery
- Disrupt
Others are defensive, which shouldn’t be needed that often:
- Blur
- Vengeful Retreat
Kind of the same as above!
I know there is something I am overlooking or misunderstanding. I hope you can help me My overall dps was 584 dps in last dungeon, which was scaled due to the other members of the run. A beastmaster hunter had 917 dps.
Hope for some good advice, if you have the time!