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If you want tanks to have fun and healers to have fun, bring back Vengeance, the good kind from MOP, and increase tanks mitigation while further reducing their non-CD related self healing.
Tanks who are actively tanking get big damage, mitigate lots of damage, but need healers to keep them alive.
Healers get to heal everybody, but tanks aren't dropping like flies.
DPS would be upset to see tanks doing big damage, but oh well, they can do lots of keys because of plenty of tanks and healers.
The way TWW is shaping up, all groups will be doing lower key levels compared to where their "set point" was previously. If you were doing 10s, maybe 8s will be your top keys. 15s, maybe 12-13s.... Everyone will be lower and survivability will be king. Aug is super powerful, even if their damage ends up sucking (questionable), balance druids and any dps like them will be non-existent because they fold like paper. Caster meta will still regin supreme because of Aug and because most of the most durable dps are clothie casters (for some reason).
Alot more pugs will be unable to clear high enough to get mythic vault items, and at that point, most of them will quit. I expect TWW to start strong and as people start quitting due to hitting a pug wall, blizzard will nerf the dungeons alot or unnerf tanks to a degree. We shall see.