Thread: Ignore list

  1. #1

    Ignore list

    When someone I have on ignore is quoted by other users I see the original comment even though they are on ignore

    Is this something you can turn off?

  2. #2
    Free Food!?!?! Tziva's Avatar
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    Please use the search feature for stuff like this. This one comes up a lot. Unfortunately it is a limitation of forum software and would require custom modification to fix, and there are other things (including security updates) that are much higher priority.

    Cannabalising a prior post:

    We get this request a lot. We understand it is desired but it is very low priority on the list for updates and fixes needed on the site.

    Quote Originally Posted by chaud View Post
    It's unlikely we'll change this. You can use various adblock extensions to accomplish that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Twoddle View Post
    I think this will work, only partially tested:

    Code:> div.postdetails >   div.userinfo > dl.userinfo_extra >   dd:-abp-contains(/^([0-9]|1[0-9]|20)$/))

    The first one already mentioned before hides ignored users totally, the second one hides users with a post count of 20 or less.

    Add it to the filters list in Adblock or uBlock. The bit between the slashes at the end is a Regex expression and means - a digit, or a 1 followed by a digit, or 20. It can be changed accordingly.
    Unsure if it still works, but you can try.

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