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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzic518 View Post
    This is scummy Blizzard.
    Yea how dare they give away free stuff the nerve of some people, right?

  2. #42
    Wow, this sucks for me. The Ghastly Charger was like the one rare mount I had, and in a matter of days everyone will have it.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    Yea how dare they give away free stuff the nerve of some people, right?

    You mean free stuff that has long established its value amongst hunters and collectors and that people spent countless hours and tons of gold earning?
    ... that is desired mostly for how rare it is and that will then be demoted to merely another number for the mount count once people realize it is just an old, low-res model, just as it was with the Fel Drake?
    .... that would fare way better as an incentive to drive up long-term engagement in a MMO that has collecting mounts and rare items as one of its core pillars?
    ... that is now used as a cheap tool to increase twitch metrics, which will not remotely benefit players as much as it does shareholders?

    Yeah... that free stuff.
    Last edited by sospec; 2024-08-14 at 02:11 AM.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by sospec View Post
    You mean free stuff that has long established its value amongst hunters and collectors and that people spent countless hours and tons of gold earning?
    ... that is desired mostly for how rare it is and that will then be demoted to merely another number for the mount count once people realize it is just an old, low-res model, just as it was with the Fel Drake?
    .... that would fare way better as an incentive to drive up long-term engagement in a MMO that has collecting mounts and rare items as one of its core pillars?
    ... that is now used as a cheap tool to increase twitch metrics, which will not remotely benefit players as much as it does shareholders?

    Yeah... that free stuff.
    I'm not seeing the point of your post, you're saying the mount is an ugly piece of shit and at the same time trying to make us feel bad for the handful of people that got it back in the day and still play WoW.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by sospec View Post
    You mean free stuff that has long established its value amongst hunters and collectors and that people spent countless hours and tons of gold earning?
    ... that is desired mostly for how rare it is and that will then be demoted to merely another number for the mount count once people realize it is just an old, low-res model, just as it was with the Fel Drake?
    .... that would fare way better as an incentive to drive up long-term engagement in a MMO that has collecting mounts and rare items as one of its core pillars?
    ... that is now used as a cheap tool to increase twitch metrics, which will not remotely benefit players as much as it does shareholders?

    Yeah... that free stuff.
    Holding water for people who bought a mount off ebay sure is a look I guess lol

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by sospec View Post
    You mean free stuff that has long established its value amongst hunters and collectors and that people spent countless hours and tons of gold earning?
    ... that is desired mostly for how rare it is and that will then be demoted to merely another number for the mount count once people realize it is just an old, low-res model, just as it was with the Fel Drake?
    .... that would fare way better as an incentive to drive up long-term engagement in a MMO that has collecting mounts and rare items as one of its core pillars?
    ... that is now used as a cheap tool to increase twitch metrics, which will not remotely benefit players as much as it does shareholders?

    Yeah... that free stuff.

    Wake up call: noone cares about your rare mount but you, noone cares that you grinded for it but you. Riding that mount doesn't make you special or cool.

    Talking about your mount like you did in this post does make you sound like one of those annoying 'look at me and what i have, look at me i've played the game for so long' people. Hint: noone thinks that's cool either, the majority of people will just find you very annoying.

    Just let people have their mount, it's a bunch of digital pixels you don't even own, and you certainly didn't 'work' for it (if you think gaming to get a mount is working, you've never actually worked).

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by BeerEelemental View Post
    Wake up call: noone cares about your rare mount but you, noone cares that you grinded for it but you. Riding that mount doesn't make you special or cool.

    Talking about your mount like you did in this post does make you sound like one of those annoying 'look at me and what i have, look at me i've played the game for so long' people. Hint: noone thinks that's cool either, the majority of people will just find you very annoying.

    Just let people have their mount, it's a bunch of digital pixels you don't even own, and you certainly didn't 'work' for it (if you think gaming to get a mount is working, you've never actually worked).
    If you had actually understood my post, you'd know that none of your points is valid. Apart from some of your "arguments" that are just plain wrong (especially since I do not have that mount), I'm not trying to feel special, I'm trying to argue for a better game.
    Last edited by sospec; 2024-08-14 at 12:18 PM.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by sospec View Post
    If you had actually understood my post, you'd know that none of your points is valid. Apart from some of your "arguments" that are just plain wrong (especially since I do not have that mount), I'm not trying to feel special, I'm trying to argue for a better game.
    I mean, there's nothing to understand, you're complaining a rare mount gets given away to people now, one way or the other. That's just useless gatekeeping and you turned like 180 degrees from you're previous post after reading mine. Whatever dude.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by sospec View Post
    If you had actually understood my post, you'd know that none of your points is valid. Apart from some of your "arguments" that are just plain wrong (especially since I do not have that mount), I'm not trying to feel special, I'm trying to argue for a better game.
    We're talking about a TCG reward mount that had nothing to do with the game and was created to incentivise people to try to buy into the Warcraft card game

    There is no relation between a better game and making a decade outdated reward that has all the prestige to it as a vaguely rare gacha skin, and frankly had the same way to collect it back in the day

    It serves a better purpose being given away for free than as a reward for a dead TCG that was scalper bait on launch

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguinerd View Post
    Why in the hell would I watch a streamer the same day the expansion launches..
    Too many people will play on the launch day. The queue will be high on the streamers' servers.
    The streamers and the raiders have high priority to get in and play.
    LFR and pet battle players should not get in their way. Just watch them play and get the mount. Win Win for everyone.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardi View Post
    "Support a streamer" yet you can only support those who are already famous and making a living of it. Smaller channels? Nah, not eligible

    I'll settle for the free horse thank you very much.
    You can go to ANY WoW stream. ANY streamer can apply.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Too many people will play on the launch day. The queue will be high on the streamers' servers.
    The streamers and the raiders have high priority to get in and play.
    LFR and pet battle players should not get in their way. Just watch them play and get the mount. Win Win for everyone.
    There is no priority. Stop spreading misinformation.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by rrayy View Post
    You can go to ANY WoW stream. ANY streamer can apply.
    Stop spreading misinformation.
    Right back at you. Only the people in that list work.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    raiders have high priority to get in and play.
    Fuck me, when has this started and where can I redeem my VIP ticket in?
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post

    I only view Warcraft up to MoP as canon.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Stop spreading misinformation.
    Right back at you. Only the people in that list work.
    I said any streamer can apply. Those are just the ones who have applied so far.

  15. #55
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    i have to buy two subs for it? fuck off

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Stop spreading misinformation.
    Right back at you. Only the people in that list work.
    There is no list anymore.
    literally anyone who has affiliate can do it now.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by BeerEelemental View Post
    Wake up call: noone cares about your rare mount but you, noone cares that you grinded for it but you. Riding that mount doesn't make you special or cool.

    Talking about your mount like you did in this post does make you sound like one of those annoying 'look at me and what i have, look at me i've played the game for so long' people. Hint: noone thinks that's cool either, the majority of people will just find you very annoying.

    Just let people have their mount, it's a bunch of digital pixels you don't even own, and you certainly didn't 'work' for it (if you think gaming to get a mount is working, you've never actually worked).
    Obviously, the people who are happy and proud to be getting one from watching someone play something they can literally play themselves care about it.
    There is also some work in obtaining some of the mounts. Obviously, the TCG ones just require money and luck.
    The ones from in game achievements from raid/achievements require some modicum of skill and time investment. If you really want to use the adage “it’s not work because I enjoy what I do,” then maybe that would be the case, but there’s still some work involved. Otherwise, sales runs wouldn’t exist.

  18. #58
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    Aha, it starts next week...

    odd though, so many streamers got it in their title about gifting subs...behaving as if this event has started... wtf is up with dat?

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