Sure, but we didn't really see her as being weak, she escapes the dagger (Unclear if she inherited any of that power we put into the dagger, since it was spent to purge the corruption from Sargeras' sword, she escaped the dagger, got into a body (She now had the utility of being able to move outside of a dagger, which is a power up) and then in Dragonflight we saw her actually gain her power in the form of the Dark Heart, which is arguably the biggest gain in power she had.
I'm not sure what she retained from Legion, her gaining a body in BFA and the Dark Heart at the most recognizable bits. None of these things, besides the Dark Heart really feels like something that makes her justifiably mighty. I just don't feel like it's earned, despite the time put into her story.
No, I mean breaks in his voice, strain. This is new, and why his voice is actually edited audibly now.
"The cOuncil"
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Reminder, we did not put power INTO the sword, we took power OUT
idk if you played during the prepatch and when it actually hapened, but your weapon did not become useless, it was not suddenly weak, the issue was we OVERLOADED IT and it made its abilities innert. it had a special animation even of the weapons power CONSTANTLY growing almost in a glitchy corrupted manner.
We did not drain their power, we OVERPOWERED them.
1:24 explains it. We literally overpower the weapons extremly so to the point they fizzle out at the prepatch, a light at a nuclear reactor, extremly powerful till overloaded.
Xalatath is one of the few weapons that very well could have kept that power inside, as she obviously did not "fizzle out"
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We know she will be in midnight, so she won't be a boss this expansion, but she may be a boss next expansion.
No, he had that even in the Harbinger 8 years ago. That "strain" is not like that, it is a thing he does for Khadgar. He does like a voice actor do, changes voice to fit a character. And Khadgar is also getting older. He is soon 60 years old.
It is just superb voice acting.
Mostly World of Warcraft stuff
Last edited by Ereb; 2024-08-17 at 05:43 AM.
Not really seeing Khadgar appear weaker out of nowhere. He used what we can assume is an incredibly powerful spell, and while he’s channeling it he starts to appear like he’s being losing strength.
We then see Xal walking out of the smoke holding the Aspect. Seems less likely that writers suddenly made him a wimp and more that Xal just used a strong item to protect herself and weaken him during their encounter.