Yeah, I think I know it kind of jives with her character. I did say I didn't like it, not that she's a terrible character. I lean more towards anti-heroes. I do like some wholesomely good characters though, like Khadgar, when they don't lay it on so thick and act like they're the cosmos' answer to chaos. I will say I'm more familiar with WC1 and WC3 the most, I have vague knowledge of WC2, like Archimonde, and the wisps and all that, but I didn't dive into it anywhere near as much as Frozen Throne and even Orcs & Humans lore. My first introduction to Turalyon was pretty much Legion, like I had heard the name mentioned in Burning Crusade, and I liked him in Legion. I can accept him as the martyr, but Alleria, eh. Maybe it's the fact she's a Windrunner, and by the time I saw her, I was already sick of Sylvanas, so Alleria comes off as the annoying, purely good Windrunner. My favorite of the three is Vereesa, just because I've seen so little of her. I've always preferred the least explored, or I should say, the least OVEREXPOSED characters because there is so much room to build them up.