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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    But that's their shpeel, Alleria and Turalyon have been classic GOOD guys from the get go - did you not play or read WC2 lore?

    They aren't like Illidan who was always ambitious, though he always wanted to save, but he was never afraid to go to extremes when it seemed the option that would work - that was shown as far back as the WotA trilogy and was consistent with his WC3 appearance which is where players would have first seen him, even though his lore was already written in a book series that would later be released.

    Now we see Alleria, who was always this earnestly good character embracing a dark power, but out of pure sacrifice, this characterises the void elves and is different from Arthas and Illidan who are also different from each other. Notice how like both Alleria and Illidan, Arthas would embrace a dark power, but notice how Arthas starts doing dark deeds before he embraces the offer of the Lich King, unlike the other two elves who basically had thrown all they had to stop evil that was attacking - and notice how it is this resolve that kinda keeps their characters from being able to handle the dark powers without corrupting their souls, even though they have to fight that inner corruption constantly.
    Yeah, I think I know it kind of jives with her character. I did say I didn't like it, not that she's a terrible character. I lean more towards anti-heroes. I do like some wholesomely good characters though, like Khadgar, when they don't lay it on so thick and act like they're the cosmos' answer to chaos. I will say I'm more familiar with WC1 and WC3 the most, I have vague knowledge of WC2, like Archimonde, and the wisps and all that, but I didn't dive into it anywhere near as much as Frozen Throne and even Orcs & Humans lore. My first introduction to Turalyon was pretty much Legion, like I had heard the name mentioned in Burning Crusade, and I liked him in Legion. I can accept him as the martyr, but Alleria, eh. Maybe it's the fact she's a Windrunner, and by the time I saw her, I was already sick of Sylvanas, so Alleria comes off as the annoying, purely good Windrunner. My favorite of the three is Vereesa, just because I've seen so little of her. I've always preferred the least explored, or I should say, the least OVEREXPOSED characters because there is so much room to build them up.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    You seem to think that your opinion matters, it really doesn't - if the greatest complaint you can conjure up is "it's retarted" then I simply have no desire to entertain that point of view, and I think it's hilariously ironic you would claim anyone who likes the lore doesn't know quality when we can plainly see the type of arguments you employ.
    How is that not retarded ?
    Also wow lore has allways been garbage. Most people agree on it. The main question debated is when was it the worst.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    It doesn't mean it's good. Wow fan praising the story are not really a référence of quality.
    And the video is quite retarted actually. Aleria gets a massive powerup from the void out of nowhere for some reason, then makes a portal into the void, bring Turalion on a small floating rock and she leaves him here.
    That's basically the only new piece of lore and it's completely retarded.
    I fucking love people who cry about "new lore" about lore that is 8+ years old at this point.
    Ya didnt play legion, that's ok, fair, wod was awful I don't blame ya.
    but don't try to comment on it then.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    How is that not retarded ?
    Also wow lore has allways been garbage. Most people agree on it. The main question debated is when was it the worst.
    Anything to back that up? I don't think you should have the arrogance and hubris to call anything "retarded" when these are your arguments

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    Anything to back that up? I don't think you should have the arrogance and hubris to call anything "retarded" when these are your arguments
    Bc : everything
    Wotlk : Arthas cartoon vilain portrayal in wotlk, the tournament, arthas's flying dutchman ending.
    Cataclism : forsaken raising new undead while they had the whole northrend to pick up from. Thrall.
    Mop Everyone betraying garrosh for their own stupidity but he is the bad guy somehow. Jaina good, bad, good, bad, good bad evolution. The journey of Anduin.
    The introduction of the pandaren in the horde, the whole pandaren mentality.
    Wod : the iron horde being a joke, the multiverse shit.
    Legion : less obvious or my memory fails me right now.
    Bfa : lol
    Shadowland : lol
    Dragonthing : skipped it but looked retarded from afar. Only tried the free days, so I only saw that the begining of the campain storytelling was targetting 8years old.
    Last edited by Tarba; 2024-08-21 at 01:19 PM.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    Bc : everything
    Wotlk : Arthas cartoon vilain portrayal in wotlk, the tournament, arthas's flying dutchman ending.
    Cataclism : forsaken raising new undead while they had the whole northrend to pick up from. Thrall.
    Mop Everyone betraying garrosh for their own stupidity but he is the bad guy somehow. Jaina good, bad, good, bad, good bad evolution. The journey of Anduin.
    The introduction of the pandaren in the horde, the whole pandaren mentality.
    Wod : the iron horde being a joke, the multiverse shit.
    Legion : less obvious or my memory fails me right now.
    Bfa : lol
    Shadowland : lol
    Dragonthing : skipped it but looked retarded from afar. Only tried the free days, so I only saw that the begining of the campain storytelling was targetting 8years old.
    Yet here you are, commenting a forum on a wow website. How many websites for games you do not like do you frequent like this? Must be a busy, fulfilling life.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    Bc : everything
    Wotlk : Arthas cartoon vilain portrayal in wotlk, the tournament, arthas's flying dutchman ending.
    Cataclism : forsaken raising new undead while they had the whole northrend to pick up from. Thrall.
    Mop Everyone betraying garrosh for their own stupidity but he is the bad guy somehow. Jaina good, bad, good, bad, good bad evolution. The journey of Anduin.
    The introduction of the pandaren in the horde, the whole pandaren mentality.
    Wod : the iron horde being a joke, the multiverse shit.
    Legion : less obvious or my memory fails me right now.
    Bfa : lol
    Shadowland : lol
    Dragonthing : skipped it but looked retarded from afar. Only tried the free days, so I only saw that the begining of the campain storytelling was targetting 8years old.
    I guarantee you cannot articulate why any of these things are bad in a constructive way, so why should anyone care?

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    How is that not retarded ?
    Also wow lore has allways been garbage. Most people agree on it. The main question debated is when was it the worst.
    How can you talk about lore when you don't even know anything about it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    It doesn't mean it's good. Wow fan praising the story are not really a référence of quality.
    And the video is quite retarted actually. Aleria gets a massive powerup from the void out of nowhere for some reason, then makes a portal into the void, bring Turalion on a small floating rock and she leaves him here.
    That's basically the only new piece of lore and it's completely retarded.
    "New" as it has more than 8 years. Any further point you try to make is moot.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    How can you talk about lore when you don't even know anything about it:

    "New" as it has more than 8 years. Any further point you try to make is moot.
    I don't remember in game seeing Aleria getting a void powerup out of nowhere then abandoning turalion in a floating rock in the void. I also didn't bring Knack's stuff, Medhan or other shits like that wich are not from the game. I knew Aleria had void power. But I hoped it was something more than "okay now you have void power".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    I guarantee you cannot articulate why any of these things are bad in a constructive way, so why should anyone care?
    Well, you are wrong.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nederbelg View Post
    Yet here you are, commenting a forum on a wow website. How many websites for games you do not like do you frequent like this? Must be a busy, fulfilling life.
    I do the war3 campain every couple of years and played wow since BC, for other reasons than the story obviously. Stoped in bfa when my forsaken had to help Baine kill other forsaken for no valid reason. And did the free month on shadowland. I'm still following from afar to see what happens.
    I have a very fulfilling life thank you.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    I don't remember in game seeing Aleria getting a void powerup out of nowhere then abandoning turalion in a floating rock in the void. I also didn't bring Knack's stuff, Medhan or other shits like that wich are not from the game. I knew Aleria had void power. But I hoped it was something more than "okay now you have void power".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, you are wrong.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I do the war3 campain every couple of years and played wow since BC, for other reasons than the story obviously. Stoped in bfa when my forsaken had to help Baine kill other forsaken for no valid reason. And did the free month on shadowland. I'm still following from afar to see what happens.
    I have a very fulfilling life thank you.
    Then by all means, please actually begin to justify the tripe you post, preferably without resorting to slurs that would be good

    Quite literally every piece of lore knowledge you've posted so far is either you fundamentally misunderstanding how storytelling works or just objectively incorrect

    You're complaining about Alleria's story when it's literally still being developed, you don't know everything that happens in a narrative right from the start, that would be incredibly boring.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    Then by all means, please actually begin to justify the tripe you post, preferably without resorting to slurs that would be good

    Quite literally every piece of lore knowledge you've posted so far is either you fundamentally misunderstanding how storytelling works or just objectively incorrect

    You're complaining about Alleria's story when it's literally still being developed, you don't know everything that happens in a narrative right from the start, that would be incredibly boring.
    Bc : war3 heroes are evil, go kill them.
    Also we have added timetravel so you can also kill archimonde. Ho and spacetravel is a thing now, but we won't develop that any further for the next 15 years. Stick with you axe and bow. And for the gran final we have a blue dragon in love with a waifu sunwell.

    Wotlk -
    Athas : haha hero ! you defeated my plan, but you will see next time ! Now I'm leaving see you. (Bis repetita)

    Tyrion : let's make a tournament in northrend ! Where we fight and nearly kill each others for reasons !

    Arthas : hahaha heroes ! You destroyed all my greatest lieutenenants 25 against 1, but it was part of my plan all along to capture the greatest heroes of azeroth !

    Bolvar : Ho no we must allways have a lich King, else the undeads won't have a leader and they will destroy the world ! Implying that Arthas controling all those undeads was less dangerous than them being mindless.

    I can go on with the rest but it's allready answered thousands times on these forum through the years. So be specific.

    While for aleria someone else explained to me it was known for the last 8 years (probably from something out of the game)... so that's a bit a long start. But if I take it only from the video, i's displayed in a very ridiculious way.
    Last edited by Tarba; 2024-08-21 at 09:05 PM.

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    Bc : war3 heroes are evil, go kill them.
    Also we have added timetravel so you can also kill archimonde. Ho and spacetravel is a thing now, but we won't develop that any further for the next 15 years. Stick with you axe and bow. And for the gran final we have a blue dragon in love with a waifu sunwell.

    Wotlk -
    Athas : haha hero ! you defeated my plan, but you will see next time ! Now I'm leaving see you. (Bis repetita)

    Tyrion : let's make a tournament in northrend ! Where we fight and nearly kill each others for reasons !

    Arthas : hahaha heroes ! You destroyed all my greatest lieutenenants 25 against 1, but it was part of my plan all along to capture the greatest heroes of azeroth !

    Bolvar : Ho no we must allways have a lich King, else the undeads won't have a leader and they will destroy the world ! Implying that Arthas controling all those undeads was less dangerous than them being mindless.

    I can go on with the rest but it's allready answered thousands times on these forum through the years. So be specific.

    While for aleria someone else explained to me it was known for the last 8 years (probably from something out of the game)... so that's a bit a long start. But if I take it only from the video, i's displayed in a very ridiculious way.
    Your writing is borderline incomprehensible, and all you're doing is spouting out random things that happen, nothing about why any of these things are actually bad

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    I don't remember in game seeing Aleria getting a void powerup.
    I mean did you not play Legion back 7 years ago?

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    Your writing is borderlinpe incomprehensible, and all you're doing is spouting out random things that happen, nothing about why any of these things are actually bad
    Yeah right... it's pretty clear how it's garbage and you simply don't want to admit it. That's all. Those "random things" are the main stories by the way. I understand why you like that shitty video then.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    I mean did you not play Legion back 7 years ago?
    Show me when we see Aleria getting suddenly her void power up and abandoning Turalion in a floating rock in the twisting neither. I only remember her in argus and she allready had her powers.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    Yeah right... it's pretty clear how it's garbage and you simply don't want to admit it. That's all. Those "random things" are the main stories by the way. I understand why you like that shitty video then.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Show me when we see Aleria getting suddenly her void power up and abandoning Turalion in a floating rock in the twisting neither. I only remember her in argus and she allready had her powers.
    So basically you don't think lore your character doesn't personally witness is valid? Guess they better remove Arthas, Illidan and 90% of the lore then

    Oh and by the way, I like that video because it's well made, tells her story in a succinct but still sensitive manner, gives us more background and shows us she's going to continue to be developed - going by the majority response, people agree with me more than they do you I'm afraid, it's a great video and if it really bothers you you're gonna be disappointed because expect more of this kind of stuff

    It is incredible how incomprehending you are of the fact other people might enjoy things you don't - honestly grow up

  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    Show me when we see Aleria getting suddenly her void power up and abandoning Turalion in a floating rock in the twisting neither. I only remember her in argus and she allready had her powers.
    Hint: Do the seat of the Triumvirate dungeon. She gets a massive void power up there after she eats a friggin naru. And the events we see about the rock you are obsessed about for some reason happened "off camera" in game? What a weird hair to try and split. And from what we saw in the cinematic it looks more like he abandoned her cuz he's a zealot.
    Last edited by Ereb; 2024-08-22 at 03:58 AM.

  17. #97
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    Show me when we see Aleria getting suddenly her void power up and abandoning Turalion in a floating rock in the twisting neither. I only remember her in argus and she allready had her powers.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    Hint: Do the seat of the Triumvirate dungeon. She gets a massive void power up there after she eats a friggin naru. And the events we see about the rock you are obsessed about for some reason happened "off camera" in game? What a weird hair to try and split. And from what we saw in the cinematic it looks more like he abandoned her cuz he's a zealot.
    She originally got her void powers in the thousand year war audio drama that came out with 7.3, the seat of the triumvirate stuff is end point of what she learns there from locus walker.

    Also Turalyon never abandons her in the full conversation he try's to get her to come back to the light which she turns down and leaves him and when she shows back up he's wary but wants her to keep doing her own thing rather then face the possibility of the army of the light turning on her, he's not a zealot.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    So basically you don't think lore your character doesn't personally witness is valid? Guess they better remove Arthas, Illidan and 90% of the lore then

    Oh and by the way, I like that video because it's well made, tells her story in a succinct but still sensitive manner, gives us more background and shows us she's going to continue to be developed - going by the majority response, people agree with me more than they do you I'm afraid, it's a great video and if it really bothers you you're gonna be disappointed because expect more of this kind of stuff

    It is incredible how incomprehending you are of the fact other people might enjoy things you don't - honestly grow up
    So I guess that if in a blizz video we saw Sylvanas in shadowland suddenly getting light power, resurect Arthas and leave you'll be OK. I get it. But I would not because it would not explain why she got suddenly light power or why she did what she did.

    Like here, why Aleria gets void power (wife of a paladin, knows Naaru, fight for the light) and why she put Turalion alone in a floating rock without any mean to leave. 2 different problems here you see ?
    First no explanation, and second for the "rule of cool" I guess, Turalion is shown condamned to rot alone. But nobody who worked on the video thought about it. "-Ho wait, how does he get out of here? -Who cares? That look so cool !"

    Now read your last paragraph and put a negation in it.

    The lore is valid, it's just mostly garbage.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    the seat of the triumvirate stuff is end point of what she learns there from locus walker.
    Yeah when she got the big powerup of super saiyan void.

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