Here's an example of a story hook:
- Pandaren Explorers set off on the Wandering Isle
- The explorers carry their cultural teachings and spread them to other races they encounter
- The Wandering Isle briefly makes a stop on a new continent/island, briefly settling for a few months
- The Pandaren find a fledgling race under threat of extinction. The Pandaren save them, and teach them to defend themselves. The new race is awe-inspired by their saviours, and take up their teachings.
- The new race adapts the teachings to their own, evolving into a Japanese inspired culture
- The new race develops a Samurai-like culture, with a strong warrior code and a focus on zen
- Due to the Wandering Isle being on the move, the new race is unable to keep in contact with Pandarens
- At one point in time, the new race (magically) travels to Draenor, and they encounter the Burning Blade clan.
- The Burning Blade clan learns their fighting and weapon-smithing techniques from the new race
And we can say we just never knew of this origin because the race lived in seclusion, and are a mere 'blip' in Warcraft's vast history.