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  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by Meowtwo View Post
    ANd the fact is that if you are percieved by others to be behind you are having less fun (less invites, toxic people, etc)
    "Less invites" - there's groups for content throughout the expansion for all skill levels like there always has been, you just mean less invites to groups that have better gear than them doing content that's above them? Understandable.

    "Toxic people" - funnily enough toxic people will not become less toxic because they've been forced to sit through (and pay for) 2 weeks of artificially extended content, this is not solving anything.

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMugabe View Post
    You are just clueless. A lot of people have been asking for this and it is evident that this is a pretty popular decision.
    Yeah man you right, clearly this ten page long thread of people discussing whether it is a good idea or not means it's "evident that this is a pretty popular decision".

    Hilarious how many people on this forum bitch about the token or about level boosts or whatever because of the dreaded Capitalism but when Blizzard don't even bother to enable the full game for exactly the length of a subscription month, everyone's like "wow yay thank you so much for all this spare time to complete quests and fly around clicking on treasure chests, based blizzard".

    p.s. I just won't buy it until M+ week next time if they do it this way again, so yes. Exactly what you said. As someone who paid a subscription for the entirety of WoD and didn't even play it because in general I'm happy to support the company, this launch schedule is the first thing in almost 20 years making me rethink that pattern. I don't really care whether you like it or not, that's my position on it. My expectation is they will be surprised by the number of people who quit early this time around because they're already burnt out on gearing up after having gone through the gearing up portion of the game three times before the raid even released.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguinerd View Post
    The expansion is fine, I just ran out of stuff to do that I enjoy doing and theres no carrot-on-a-stick that would normally make me want to login atm either.

    My character is ready to roll so it's just waiting for shit to be available now - and imo the delay is too long this time around.

    EA didn't help in that regard I guess.

    Not saying in any way TWW is bad.
    Hey, I wouldn't even disagree completely. I really enjoy TWI, but oddly don't feel like loggin in every day. I am however totally fine this time with taking it slowly....I barely have any faction on renown 8, so there is always something left to do. And I do understand the people who want to jump into raiding or mythic action.

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