Those sweaties enjoying pvp in that form are the part of the problem WoW pvp is the way it is - Catering to Sweaties:
Those sweaties enjoying pvp in that form are the part of the problem WoW pvp is the way it is - Catering to Sweaties:
Last edited by Tombitp; 2024-08-31 at 09:09 AM.
solo queue rated battlegrounds join us when season starts, is way more casual
I don't like any PVP in any game. Mostly because it's unfair. If game has some balance problems - they're more critical in PVP, than in PVE. Cuz in PVE competition is mostly indirect. If you don't play cutting edge content and don't compete for spots in your static with other players - then you're mostly ok, if mobs and bosses die anyway. And it usually happens in casual content. It doesn't work this way in PVP. Even if you play noob league and game has some imbalance - there are always other players, who abuse this imbalance. And situation is usually worse for games, that have more choices. If you play Quake, where all players are in equal conditions - then there is much less room for imbalance there. If you play game with many choices - then you have problems. Problem is - for many games customization is core game mechanic. Why have different weapons, if only one of them is viable? They exist for reason. If devs tell you, that you have A, B, C choices, but you shouldn't pick anything but A, cuz A is only viable choice - then it's just terrible game design. And situation becomes even worse, if devs allow it and don't protect players from abusers some way. This isn't only about balancing game. Perfect balance is impossible anyway. It's about things like matchmaker, that should make sure, that players, who abuse something, can play only against players, who also do it. If devs don't have such tools - then they essentially allow some players to "cheat" and win unfairly. Who would play such game? Problem is - even if game has matchmaker, it should also be functional, not just illusory. And it's illusory in most cases, cuz devs prefer quicker matchmaking, than better quality of matches. And it usually causes dead loop, cuz queues become only longer, while more and more players quit due to bad matchmaker. But some games don't even have it. Usually due devs false assumption, that skill = experience, i.e. any player can become top one with time. But in reality such game caters to top 0.01% of players, who can win easily due to no other players above them to push them down and at the same time they're the most vocal part of playerbase, that always tells other players to "git gud" instead of whining about lack of matchmaker or disfunctional one.
Last edited by WowIsDead64; 2024-08-31 at 11:20 AM.
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.
Never liked PvP in an RPG setting where Gear is a big factor... literally not fun nor is it inviting to see someone with more than 3+ times your health.
When I play PvP it's a game where everyone's on equal footing from the start, not some nonsense where someone grinding out has the huge advantage.
Dude they added comp stomp in for a reason so you pve casuals can grind up gear and compete against the bots so you don't feel so insecure about losing.
Writes insightful, well-mannered posts in the Community Council.
I just had so much fun in PVP today.
I play my MM hunter, can't win shit in 1v1. I play my devoker, can't win shit in 1v1.
I leveled a feral druid and got it geared in full honor, and I'm murdering people like they're mobs. LOL.
Ferals are so "balanced" that even a semi-noob player like me can wreck people who have been playing their characters for much longer.
Last edited by Cynical Asshole; 2024-08-31 at 04:53 PM.
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.
I decided to level a Rogue from scratch for TWW, partly for nostalgia purposes but also to catch up on mechanics as I had not played WoW in 3 years. I am noticing some interesting changes, like a 5cp Kidney Shot being 8s and Ambush finally slapping as hard as it should. This class is looking pretty promising for PvP.
I probably won't be doing much Arena as I absolutely loathe Dampening and Blizzard's idea of what modern 3v3 should be, but I'll definitely be trying out everything else.
That being said, I don't know what OP's screenshot is supposed to represent. The player is tracking what he is supposed to be tracking, and the UI is not too bloated. This would take at most 30m to set up, I don't know if you can call it sweaty when it's the bare minimum to be competitive.
of course it's more chill to play against the computer on autopilot
but there's something for anyone in this game. Don't have to push rating if you don't want to
Had fun today setting up a roadblock at the Coreway entrance in the Ringing Deeps using the Netomatic to shoot down enemy players flying down from Dornogal and then killing them.
The main thing I don't understand about PvP is how all their UIs are so horrible to look at. What a mess lol
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” -Eric Hoffer