Poll: Do you think the Nerubians feel like a threat of a different scale in game?

This poll will close on 2024-10-19 at 09:11 AM

  1. #1

    Nerubian numbers

    Just the other day i found myself thinking that the Nerubians are the first time a foe really feels truly numerous since at least the Legion.

    They feature in every zone, act everywhere throughout the expansion and they exist in countless varieties.
    Perhaps this is aided by their more monstrous appearances, as though i loved Legion i found its demons extremely lacklustre and far too humanoid in various senses.

    And then when you finally enter Azj'kahet: Flyers everywhere, halmarks of their presence intensify and more.
    The various subfactions yet further reinforce this.

    Honestly only Ahn'qiraj gave me vibes of this scale, even Ulduar felt smaller somehow, and the Scourge despite all its awesomeness never felt this coherent.

    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
    Yet also as humble as health and humor permit.

    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  2. #2
    In the end it just feels like more fodder skittering around

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Combatbutler View Post
    In the end it just feels like more fodder skittering around

    I have never felt threat in the overworld outside of Vanilla, the only time where running or riding through a zone is dangerous and you're constantly looking around for dangers, and the mobs are so dangerous you have to single pull them rather than mass pull. Demons, Scourge, Elementals, Iron Horde, Mawsworn, Primalists, Nerubians, etc. They're all fodder to be mass pulled and bursted down in seconds. No threat at all. Narratively the only time I felt tension fighting an enemy army was when I was doing the War of Thorns campaign as Horde, the tension of committing perfidy and marching into Ashenvale and massacring those Night Elf villagers before pressing on into Darkshore, dreading when angry Night Elf ambushers would appear to start picking us off like it's Vietnam, and then ofcourse the dread that Malfurion was out there (sadly castrated compared to his canonical threat level).

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