Not really. Most of the people asking for pemanent visage don't actually want 'permanent' visage, they want that 'chosen identity' works in combat and automatically changes back to visage after using skills that require the dracthyr animation. They could do that with barely any effort on their part and a lot of people would already be happy.
Now, the issue with that is that devastation does have almost all their rotational abilities forcing the dracthyr form, so they would indeed have to work on some visage animations, but not for the abilities you are thinking about. The true issue with devastation comes from shattering star, eternity surge, firestorm, pyre and azure strike. It sure is animation work, but i wouldn't call it a lot considering that most of them would just be ensuring that the body looks cool while the already existing effect happens.
Augmentation and preservation would not have this issue because most of their abilities do not force the dracthyr form.
So to reiterate: flying, breathing, soaring and hovering would still use the dracthyr animation, but with 'chosen identity' toggled, it would automatically go back to visage as soon as the cast, buff or travel time is over.