Poll: Least favorite feature?

This poll will close on 2025-04-28 at 12:18 AM

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  1. #41
    I don't hate anything, but delves would be my least favorite in that list.
    "There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite. " -- Ghostcrawler
    "The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
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  2. #42
    Im kind of loving everything in this expansion, even though it feels a bit buggy in some parts, but those are minor glitches here and there.

    Love the Warband system but hate how it's been implemented. Specifically in the login screen. Blizz should've implemented a sorting system along with filters and stuff so it doesn't look like an absolute shitshow for those if it's that have a bunch of characters.

  3. #43
    Awakening the machine feels really pointless.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by babyback View Post
    Awakening the machine feels really pointless.
    What is this? Ringing Depths stuff?
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Earthen Allied Race - Which got nothing to do with the Earthen Race, I am fine with the NPC-Story Earthens.

    Like if I want to play a dwarf, I play Dark Iron Dwarf, which are way cooler than any other playable dwarf.
    I really do not see the difference between these and Void Elf/Lightforge Draenei/HM Tauren. One is putting tentacles on an elf, yellow on a draenei, antlers on a cow and crystals on a dwarf and shipping them as allied races.

    That is all the Earthen are, an allied race, and the concept is almost 7 years old.

    It is like saying Highmountain Tauren was the worst feature of Legion.

    Maybe if the game launched with more allied races than just Earthen people would stomach it better, there is still good evidence harronir/half-elves will be added.

  6. #46
    I put skyriding changes cause we were slowed from dragonflight.

  7. #47
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    Possibly Delves, but right now that might be because they lack a challenge at their current difficulty (or annoying features like the Candle limiting steps) so that might improve when the Season starts.

    Hero Talents seem a bit naff honestly. Some are fine and look cool, half are just passives. I like the Diabolist Demonology Warlock with the Summons, but it could have really just been a new Talents on the default trees for the Rituals. Not entirely sure where they'll end up leading but I think they'll lead to very simple Tier sets overall to cover the scope of Hero Talents.

    Warbands are great overall, currency transfer, Bank, transmog collection. But I absolutely despise the login screen. Trying to find Characters on a list of 50+ is stupid with no way to split it. I massively miss my Server lists.
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  8. #48
    Engineering explosives or more accurately the lack thereof. I like the dual action potion bombs, but I miss the nukes and having more ways to blow things up.

    Agree on the character list change. Going through all of them in a single list is stupid.

  9. #49
    It's all fine to me. Warbands are probably the least relevant to me as I don't do a ton of alt playing. Delves are a common sense update of Torghast, they'll eventually get this to the point where your followers are enough to get through 5 man content at some difficulty level (akin to Withered Army training way back when)

  10. #50
    Bloodsail Admiral Miseration's Avatar
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    I dont see Awakening the Machine on that list

  11. #51
    Earthen. Like come on, really?

  12. #52
    Expansion itself is fine so far... just hate the stance switching from skyriding and steady flight. Should be instant and castable while mounted.

  13. #53
    Over 9000!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheramoreIsTheBomb View Post
    What is this? Ringing Depths stuff?
    It’s basically like Proving Grounds, fight 20 waves of enemies and get a reward. Pretty easy, and that was before the nerfs

  14. #54
    The Patient
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    My favorite part of the expansion is all the whiners and complainers about things I absolutely love - stop playing and let me enjoy, goodbye! Delves are awesome. Earthen would have been cool like 7 years ago but w/e I’ll take ‘em. Warbands, awesome. Some great artwork and designs. Hero talents are amazing, because I’m not obsessed with min maxing arbitrary numbers because they don’t matter to my regular life, and because of that I get to just enjoy the extra flavor with no drama it’s just enjoyable to play solo right now and I’m happy about that.

  15. #55
    meh, not a good expac.

    Wish hero talents weren't a thing, instead they could give us 3-4 talents points nodes to fill in.

    Earth dwarf... i mean.. we already have "dwarf" race and now they feel like reskin another dwarf race. What the fuck?

    delves is something different. I like it

    Story of Disney boss about it, very yawnfest and that's about it? Super bitch scary or something? *hyena laughters*

    I'll give it a 3/10

    I guess i'll come back later if any improvements.
    Last edited by trapmaster; 2024-09-08 at 06:14 AM.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    I really do not see the difference between these and Void Elf/Lightforge Draenei/HM Tauren. One is putting tentacles on an elf, yellow on a draenei, antlers on a cow and crystals on a dwarf and shipping them as allied races.

    That is all the Earthen are, an allied race, and the concept is almost 7 years old.

    It is like saying Highmountain Tauren was the worst feature of Legion.

    Maybe if the game launched with more allied races than just Earthen people would stomach it better, there is still good evidence harronir/half-elves will be added.
    So yeah, I don't dislike it at all. But I kinda like everything here. So no, Highmountain Tauren was not the worst feature in Legion. Sorry, but that was just a weird take. I am just not interested in being an Earthen Dwarf.

    And you point towards Allied Races being 7 years old. So in essence its not really a War Within feature is it.

    It says in the title, least FAVORITE feature. Not worst. Worst would be my Sentinel Owl not following the tank because tanks likes to run around. And no, dont tell me to hold it. Doesn't work!
    Last edited by Doffen; 2024-09-08 at 01:04 PM.
    Mostly World of Warcraft stuff

  17. #57
    It's a tie between hero talents, and Earthen.
    Percentage increases to spells does not feel heroic.
    Had the same criticism in beta, still holds true.
    Uninspired and boring.

    Earthen have limited customization options.
    There were already two Dwarf races to choose from, make something different.
    Improve customization options for existing races, and introduce something new.

  18. #58
    I've never been a fan of underworld areas.

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