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  1. #101
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    They can't give them all race models as visage, as every visage form has some kind of...embelishments, like cat eyes and horns and scaly skin, and that's WORK, and "it would cost us a raid tier" and all that nonsense.
    They can do that, they have time and money for it, they don't want to, as they deem nor worthy the time expend

    But as always its gibberish to avoid doing work, and they can at least make then have just the dragon eyes, that is enough for many people, and they can gradually increase stuff later

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Valarnin View Post
    Why people here debate and argue and throw in some presumptions out of their heads when original post concerning the matter written by blizzard already exist.

    Here you go:

    It is quite clear about the racial skills remaining but only with increased cooldowns. No mention about double jumping so the reasonable assumption is that it will remain as it is since it is part of the drachtyr racial identity. Think about it more and I would say it is reasonable to allow more classes to be able to double jump and it is something you must choose to go for. But even with those CC-cooldowns being increased to 3 minutes the drachtyr will become the go-to choice for all hunters, rogues, priests, mages, warriors, or warlocks if they are interested in mythic+ or pvp since CC abilities are what makes the difference. I don't mind about this I like the dragons and I am a dragon myself in a way. I only hope they would let us choose the other racial form to fit our desires. I would really wish to be a nightborne dragon and see no reason why this couldn't be.
    It's still on ptr and a lot can change from their initial form, just because they didn't address double jump yet doesn't mean this is how it will be shipped. Community is already signaling that glide/double jump is too much for a racial.

    As for their mini cc they aren't as good as you think simply because they DR with normal stuns and there are other races with racial cc that aren't considered particularly strong (tauren war stomp, pandaren palm, Kul Tiran knockback/stun etc.). With 3 min CD it's very much in line with these.

    Now if you compare dracthrys double jump to pandarens bouncy, goblin rocket jump or zandalari pterrodax glide then imbalance gets pretty obvious.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Valarnin View Post
    Gliding and double jumping already exist in the game and has not been an issue yet and demon hunters have been around since legion.
    Of course not! it's part of the demon hunter kit and evokers can't be any other race. I never said that gliding and double jump are a problem by themselves, on the contrary! they make moving around so fun and dynamic that i wish they could find a way to expand them to every single race and class. But i'm also a Gw2 player, so i'm kind of biased and used to glide around.

    I'm talking about class to class comparison, a dracthyr warrior vs any other race warrior for example. I'm just saying that it's hard to quantify if slithgly better performing racials that will compete against tail swipe and wing buffet, will be enough to compensate the fact that any dracthyr has better movement than the same class with any other race.

    But yeah, at the end of the day most people will still choose what they visually like most, as it should be.
    "Mastery Haste will fix it."

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekkle View Post
    Give Earthen druids, they are already in the game.
    Yes, please. Would love to play a druid class that doesn't have a tail (or is a troll). Alliance druids are not an option.

  5. #105
    Great. I never liked Evoker.

  6. #106
    Banned Cynical Asshole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    Great. I never liked Evoker.
    Same...kinda. I mean I like the playstyle and accessibility of Devastation, but I don't like how it's so garbage at solo PVP. Everybody beats you in warmode and 1v1, it's a team-only class.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    Same...kinda. I mean I like the playstyle and accessibility of Devastation, but I don't like how it's so garbage at solo PVP.
    I dislike it because its very situational and all about positioning.

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    Amour issue ?
    Not seing full armour, only parts of it in their Dracthyr Form. Unless that is being changed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    The new classes as far as I can tell dont have to be in Dracthyr form when in combat, they can remain in visage form so that kinda takes care of armour issues.

    I dislike the dragon form so if they dont have to be dragon for combat that suits me just fine.
    Guess if that works for people, that is fine. My thinking is: If I dislike a dragon form, why do I want to play such a character and just use the visage form - which basically is a I might just roll a human.

    Obvious exception: One hates the Dracthyr shape but want to be an Evoker. But a warrior?

    But that is another discussion...people have expressed already their preference for the look of the Valdrakken guards for example. Strong shape, full armour. Me too would have preferred that look.
    Last edited by Just Passing through; Yesterday at 07:57 AM.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    It's still on ptr and a lot can change from their initial form, just because they didn't address double jump yet doesn't mean this is how it will be shipped. Community is already signaling that glide/double jump is too much for a racial.
    A handful of loudmouths doesn't equal "the community."

    If slow fall is so problematic, why didn't we have an uproar when hunters got the feathermane slow fall pets? It's like people pre Legion saying gnome hunters could never happen because Escape Artist is too powerful a mobility skill for hunters to have. But then they happened anyways.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    A handful of loudmouths doesn't equal "the community."

    If slow fall is so problematic, why didn't we have an uproar when hunters got the feathermane slow fall pets? It's like people pre Legion saying gnome hunters could never happen because Escape Artist is too powerful a mobility skill for hunters to have. But then they happened anyways.
    It is not the slow fall that's the real issue - though it is there - it's the 179% move speed during the jump. Compare to worgen speed racial (40% cd) lol.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    They can't give them all race models as visage, as every visage form has some kind of...embelishments, like cat eyes and horns and scaly skin, and that's WORK, and "it would cost us a raid tier" and all that nonsense.
    They can, they choose not to. Important difference.
    They did so with female humans and male elves, they can do so with other races too.

  12. #112
    Hideous joke race. Make it so that I can always be in human form, including on character-select screen.

  13. #113
    Looks awful AND has the best racials BY FAR of ANY RACE. What will you choose, looks or meta?
    Quote Originally Posted by NYC17 View Post
    What lies about collusion has the bag bad media told? From what I've seen, they report and discuss the fact that there are investigations into whether there was collusion. Which, ya know, is true.
    Remember, even the Nazis had followers, and this is why.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Nobody asked, nor was this the topic of the thread.

    But then again, nobody ever asks you to over share anything you say/do/think/feel on this website… yet, you just do it willingly.

    Thank god you’ve posted screenshots of your UI and character names so I can utterly avoid you in-game, as well as immediately vote kick you. So you know how it feels.
    he's trolling, stop falling for the bait

  15. #115
    Scarab Lord Steampunkette's Avatar
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    I come from the land of Ice and Snow.
    As soon as it becomes an option I'll be playing at least one or two dracthyr not-evokers. I don't hate the Evoker class, really, I just don't think it really delivers my fantasy for a dragon which is right in melee ripping people apart with their claws and teeth and breathing fire for big flashy AoE...

    Rather than being a mid-range spellcaster that relies entirely on elemental spells and stuff.

    So at least I'll be able to do a SMF Warrior with claw-mogs to just shred folks after rushing them.

    Might also do some 'Humanform' Dracthyr that only turn scaled to fly around.

    Also Soar makes me happy. Love the "No Mount" flight option.
    When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like injustice.

  16. #116
    I will probably make hunter one
    Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
    Pyro: Yanfei, Amber, diluc, xiangling, thoma, Xinyan, Bennett
    Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
    Hydro: Barbara, Zingqiu, Ayato
    Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
    Electro: Fischl, Lisa, Miko, Kujou, Raiden, Razor

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