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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Loveliest View Post
    And yet you have a whole lot of single player games to play. Thousands. Designed specifically for single player enjoyment. So why not go there? Better story, actual proper RPG elements, huge worlds you can actually influence, fully voiced, you name it.
    There's a handful of mmos with good group content and we come to them specifically to ask they refocus on single player? Why? Genuinely, why? Was it that you used to play back in the day and you can't let go or?
    If it weren't for WoW I wouldn't play videogames at all. I just have a laptop with 3 games on it. WoW, Planet Zoo and Oxygen Not Included. The only 3 games I have played since 2021.

    I like the story, the characters and how the game plays, it is my escape realm.

    I bought GTA V on Steam and it literally says Purchased 2021, play time 1 minute. No Man's Sky 2022, played for 2 hours.

    If it ain't WoW, it isn't for me.

    I don't overthink video games much. I found one I liked and that is that.

    I will probably play a lot of elder scrolls 6 since I enjoyed Skyrim but I played that game down to the last freaking item and npc.

    If Baldurs gate wasnt turned based bullshit and slow soap opera storytelling I might like it, it WAS a game I was hyped for.
    Last edited by Al Gorefiend; 2024-09-08 at 02:40 PM.

  2. #22
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    I find it mildly amusing in the wake of all the anniversary stuff that while we have all sorts of old villains appear on promotional material - Illidan, Arthas, Gul'Dan, Jaina... - there is no mention of THE villain anywhere.
    Sylvanas was the bigger focus of that expansion. Just like how they have Gul'dan, but not Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, or Sargeras, who were all above him on the totem pole.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    While that's true, he was never really in the GAME. We got to see him in one big cutscene and that's it. He was never an NPC and never a boss.

    But all that aside, I was making fun of their manufactured hype during the leadup to SL as though the Jailer was this great big villain behind everything - and how now this overarching story mastermind who's been the true power behind everything from the Legion to Arthas has apparently been erased from history.
    The whole story took another step since DEI took charge~ Sargeras is basically the main reason World of warcraft was created since was the Villain that make everything happen, Legion , Orcs, Draene = anything that you look behind is him . Everything comes from Him . Still 3 expansions now we still collect pet's and fight some spiders to save the ...World...

    Next expansion ~ main villain another Women** I wonder if Sargeras will identify as a woman ?

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