1. #1
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    Midnight Levelling Talents

    so TWW gives us hero talents, which I am presuming will carry over to Midnight... I'm curious what people think we will get for Midnight? more talents on the Hero tree? something new?

  2. #2
    I think most likely they will fine tune what we have, maybe add a few more nodes. Have a feeling we'll get a new class. Something like Witch Doctor or Shadow Hunter and an Amani Troll race.

  3. #3
    Pit Lord shade3891's Avatar
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    Hero talents will be expanded on, or we get a dance studio..

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    I think the hero talents do not offer enough choice.
    I agree but unfortunately this is deliberate. "Your X increases your damage of Y" style talents are there to give the illusion that you are getting stronger, when in the end the devs will just numerically tune the time to kill for fights to be consistent with what they've been in the past. If they limit your choice, there's much less work for the devs to do. In the end all we're getting are some different aesthetics or minor changes to rotations.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    For me hero talents are a typical sign of streamlining everything. Which happens because of competition. The devs value competiveness higher than a diverse class fantasy.
    I mean diverse class fantasy is what these are designed for and as already said: They were intentionally designed to not add too many buttons. You can't add 10 active abilities every expansion. And 3 out of 10 are choice nodes and you get 2 trees to pick from PER SPEC.

    And aren't you the guy that advocates for easier content or am I confusing you with someone else?
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Illuminance View Post
    I agree but unfortunately this is deliberate. "Your X increases your damage of Y" style talents are there to give the illusion that you are getting stronger, when in the end the devs will just numerically tune the time to kill for fights to be consistent with what they've been in the past. If they limit your choice, there's much less work for the devs to do. In the end all we're getting are some different aesthetics or minor changes to rotations.
    While technically true, "much less" would be better phrased as "not excessively much". Combinatorial explosion would render the work nigh-impossible if they didn't do this.

  7. #7
    So many classes are in a good spot right now, I feel like each of my main character specs are in a good spot (Disc/S priest, Enh Sham, Unholy DK, Destro Lock).

    I think there are some gaps that can be filled in certain areas. Shaman for example I think their class tree needs a serious overhaul, it is probably the worst class tree overall.

    I think Evokers need another active ability to press in their rotation. Something about their rotation feels like it is missing something, like you ramp up to nothing.

    Warlock is undoubtedly the best it has ever been.

    I can't think of what to add for each class as new leveling talents that aren't passives and damage increases.
    Last edited by Al Gorefiend; 2024-09-10 at 10:44 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    No, there is no optional depth in class fantasy through hero talents. Just A or B, and the whole way through it while leveling. Nothing more. Goal is to have less buttons with more impact. And to have a choice for your personal strength. For example tradeoffs betwen survivability and output, or between crowd control or movement.
    You're literally asking for more buttons with less impact, just in a different context.

  9. #9
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    I think they're basically just going to keep expanding the hero trees, and reworking some of the other classes that haven't been touched as much yet.

  10. #10
    Definitely a big new something, whether it's a new Class or a new Race or a big new feature that shakes things up.

    Expanding Hero Talents would otherwise be an expectation, like class balance or adding another tier of rewards.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    so TWW gives us hero talents, which I am presuming will carry over to Midnight... I'm curious what people think we will get for Midnight? more talents on the Hero tree? something new?
    I myself expect them to be a form of horizontal progression, with more hero speccs being added later on, and perhaps with some being folded into the main class or talent trees.
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  12. #12
    I'd say, add more Hero Talent trees and let people pick two. Which is a balancing nightmare but hey, it would be fun.

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