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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    SS is a pipedream, I will give you that, but RMP has been one of the top 5 comps since inception of arena for a good reason was my point. If you gave rogues the self healing that a druid, or a paladin has, they will become insanely OP at the top skill level of players.
    I wouldn't give them buffs either, Mysterymask already provided the solution: Aggro redirect on healer brann clears delves even undergeared.
    My point was rogue is a weak pick for normal arena player because teamwork is a requirement they cant meet. Playing highest dps meele class is better. In general stealth classes tend to be the black sheep in balancing, either op or weak and devs tend to stay away from op because a strong stealth class makes everyone else unhappy.

  2. #22
    Bloodsail Admiral Kyux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashana Darkmoon View Post
    You say that up until it is your class and you never get invited to anything lol.

    I think a lot of Hitei's rant is accurate, but it is funny talking about bm hunters in particular when they (and hunters in general) haven't been meta in multiple expansions (but are usually completely fine in most content). Rogues have consistently been good in organized and casual pvp (not a shock), they are also doing well in high m+ atm ( All 3 specs are also showing up in mythic raid, with asn being in the top 1/3 for parse numbers.

    Anyway BFA was the death knell for unique rogue stuff because shroud was completely mandatory for a huge swath of that xpack, on top of combat being broken. That ability will probably never be that required again.
    Yeah... I kinda think Min-Maxers made their bed and now need to sleep in it. If you're so fixated on having the optimal class comp then you need to pay the price on the flip side - not getting picked for groups if you want to play a "sub-optimal" class. Min-Maxers made this culture now they have to put up with it. /shrug

    I play casually and can play any class.
    Quote Originally Posted by Akhlys View Post
    Once upon a time, boats were full of leaks. Now, our leaks are full of boats.

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