You're looking a bit rough! Take a wee rest...
I've struggled with rogue for the last few expansions, mainly focusing on Outlaw. Animacharged combo points are an unfun whack-a-mole among constant procs and random combo point generation that should be replaced by Dreadblades again, the grapple was changed at some point to fail any time there's any sort of incline, and it's always felt like more time is spent maintaining three separate buffs than actually dpsing. And if you try the stealth build, vanish resets the target's aggro!
But my worst experience has been delves. Because unlike all my other alts like an enhance shaman, ww monk, or ret paladin so far, we have no sustained self-heal. You roll a warrior, you kill something, get a free 30% health back, and you charge straight to the next one. With my rogue, it feels like I'm going to have to resort to going back to carrying around stacks of bandages!
So I've brainstormed some ideas, and would be curious of any more. In no particular order:
Crimson Vial brainstorming:
-Inspired by the new item from kobolds, pickpocketing would very commonly yield an item that, combined with a 3 second cast "replenish crimson vial" would reset the vial's cooldown.
-Killing a target would have a chance of instantly resetting Crimson Vial's cooldown and making the next cast cost 0 energy
-buff vial back from 25% to 40% and/or give it a maximum of 2 charges
Recuperate brainstorming:
-returning Recuperate as a finishing move
-returning Recuperate as a "bandage" ability, costing energy over the channel. Interruptible by stuns/interrupts/ccs but not attacks.
-Inspired from delves, returning Bribe with a reduced 5 minute cooldown that is not consumed on failed cast, and works as a Tricks of the Trade target.
-Replacing Bribe with Hire Mercenary. Same basic premise, but consistently usable without needing a nearby nonelite humanoid. A tanky lad mainly useful for TOTT soloing over being a DPS cooldown.