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This is certainly, by far, the buggiest expansion to date. Yes, you can still play and have fun, but that doesn't mean it's not buggy as hell.
The weekly resets bug listed here
Thousands of guilds losing most of their items out of the bank.
All of the warbank issues.
All of the quest givers that constantly do not respond until you move away and come back first(been a thing since WOD but the first couple weeks here it was probably 50% of the time you go to turn in or pick up a quest.)
The rate at which auto-loot doesn't work
Yes, the horribly designed/populated quest areas. IE the world quest where you pick herbs and then put a wreath on the donkey cow thing was originally calling for you to "adorn" something like 10 of them when there were only even 8 spawns in the area, and once someone did it no one else could adorn the same one for 2 minutes. They fixed it quick to only require 1, but man that was bad. And yes several other areas where there weren't enough spawns, and respawn was super slow on top of it.
All of the treasures and similar items that would not spawn right away, or would disappear for 3-10 minutes once someone else grabbed it. One in particular they didn't get fixed until the last week.
All of the issues with the machine dude being interactable for other quests besides the Awakening the Machine quest during the first week.
Over the past 19 years total I haven't spent the amount of time in the bugs forum as what I have the past month. It's insanity. You can just look at all the huge lists of daily hot fixes that have been going on for weeks to see how bad it is, and the most insane part is that there is a whole lot that has been fixed or ignored that they have never acknowledged. The guild bank issues probably being one of the worst and most disturbing things to ever happen in this game has only finally had a real blue post about it a few days ago after the forums going crazy for a month and a half without response. And we still don't know the true extent of the results of that because they still haven't returned the recoverable items yet for everyone to see what things can't be recovered.