Blizzard is the company that states they don't want high numbers for D4 = but you do billions if not trillions of damage.
Blizzard is the company that designs Hearthstone BGs to be a cardgame about APM = MMR, which is really wierd.
Blizzard is the company that currently states that WoW will need spell pruning and numbers squashing but will take another 3-4 years until that happens.
What I dislike about modern WoW is that in comparison to old WoW where an ability had genuine impact, modern WoW has all its impact tied to rotations and procs, so you're supposed to figure out a priority list and a deeper level of rotation, which isn't horrible but it felt good pressing a fireblast that did damage because the spell had its own identity, not to proc another spell with or whatever.
Also incase most brainless people here can't see with their eyes, TWW is alot better than DF when it comes to spells having more immediate impact. TWW is a step in a good direction. DF was the worst expansion ever.
Also people say that the new modern WoW has more skill tied to it because it's a deeper more constant rotation. Which is true in its own way, but then let me ask you why you think a one button spec like Counter-Strike is so less skillful and why you're so bad at it. And why you can't connect the dots, it's because you're a single cell organism. Don't respond.
It's like playing Hearthstone BGs which in essence is a decision making, thinking fast type of game, but in reality the game is about buying/selling/rolling once per second for all your time to maximize stats, but if you have any sort of latency lagg or whatever you might have to alt+f4 during combat phases to have more shop time. It's so stupid that the game is about APM but Blizzard seem to think stupid things are good ideas.