1. #1

    Having Threat Issues

    Hey peeps I need a little bit of help. I tank with a veng Dh who I lose aggro to constantly as he loves doing dmg (which I and my raid group have no problem with). Even with DRW, DND, Reaper and everything active I still lose aggro completly, even when I use DC and both Charges of DG I still somehow lose out on aggro.

    TlDR is there something I can do that I'm missing? Or does the DH need to hold back. To give an idea on how much dmg he does, (on Nexus Princess he parsed a 98 with 593k where I parsed 54 with 270k) granted I do alot of healing (have really good healing parses)

  2. #2
    assuming you are on par ilvl you should probably focus on improving your rotation. Your healing parse really doesn't matter very much. Veng opener(assuming fel scarred) is a LOT of upfront dmg in the opening 20s or so. Make sure the gcds you time into your taunt window are as direct damage heavy as possible and if needed use a maintenance taunt for extra threat down the line if he is creepin on you still.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Oraxin View Post
    does the DH need to hold back
    Yes. He should not blow all of his cooldowns at once on and pull threat and die. He should rotate his cooldowns and pace them out across several pulls.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    pull threat and die.
    They actually don't die at all lol.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Yes. He should not blow all of his cooldowns at once on and pull threat and die. He should rotate his cooldowns and pace them out across several pulls.
    This post is WILD. Are you under the assumption that 1. the guy ripping threat is Havoc (I'm guessing from the "dying via ripping threat" part) and 2. this scenario happens in dungeons (from the spreading CDs across "multiple pulls" part) when it's pretty clearly stated in the OP that this is about OP's co-tank in a raid? Or is it just some giga elaborate troll job that I'm missing.

    Anyway, obviously the advice is terrible, and like others have also pointed it out, if the DMG difference is THAT massive, you should probably either amend your rotation and play more aggressively, or consider gearing for more offense (or both).

    What I can say for sure, though, is that if his damage is so much more bursty than yours, then you should probably let him take the boss on pull, because him holding back and gimping his damage and y'all playing tug-of-war with the boss are both pretty suboptimal scenarios.
    He should definitely be allowed to go ham on pull, and you can just pick the boss up after the first tank swap (or if it's a boss that doesn't require tank swaps, just taunt it after 30 seconds or so).

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bajcli View Post
    This post is WILD. Are you under the assumption that 1. the guy ripping threat is Havoc (I'm guessing from the "dying via ripping threat" part) and 2. this scenario happens in dungeons (from the spreading CDs across "multiple pulls" part) when it's pretty clearly stated in the OP that this is about OP's co-tank in a raid? Or is it just some giga elaborate troll job that I'm missing.

    Anyway, obviously the advice is terrible, and like others have also pointed it out, if the DMG difference is THAT massive, you should probably either amend your rotation and play more aggressively, or consider gearing for more offense (or both).

    What I can say for sure, though, is that if his damage is so much more bursty than yours, then you should probably let him take the boss on pull, because him holding back and gimping his damage and y'all playing tug-of-war with the boss are both pretty suboptimal scenarios.
    He should definitely be allowed to go ham on pull, and you can just pick the boss up after the first tank swap (or if it's a boss that doesn't require tank swaps, just taunt it after 30 seconds or so).
    I completly agree he should go ham! I'll see how I can improve my rotation!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Yes. He should not blow all of his cooldowns at once on and pull threat and die. He should rotate his cooldowns and pace them out across several pulls.
    Its his VDH co tank in raids pulling aggro, not a HDH in M+ lol wtf.

    Also, no a VDH shouldn't be sitting on fel dev which with demon surge procs are where most of their damage is coming from, it's only like an average 24 second or so CD complete waste to not send it every time. OPs issue is likely him not fitting in his burst damage in the 3 second taunt window where your threat is amplified. It's not good enough just to taunt if your co tank is playing well, you need to use those 3 seconds of amplified threat properly. VDH should tank first on any given boss since BDK has hella ramp right now, but outside of that it should not be an issue.
    Last edited by Tech614; 2024-10-01 at 06:19 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Oraxin View Post
    Hey peeps I need a little bit of help. I tank with a veng Dh who I lose aggro to constantly as he loves doing dmg (which I and my raid group have no problem with). Even with DRW, DND, Reaper and everything active I still lose aggro completly, even when I use DC and both Charges of DG I still somehow lose out on aggro.

    TlDR is there something I can do that I'm missing? Or does the DH need to hold back. To give an idea on how much dmg he does, (on Nexus Princess he parsed a 98 with 593k where I parsed 54 with 270k) granted I do alot of healing (have really good healing parses)
    I was on the other side of this problem through most of DF, where my Veng was ripping threat off our cotank.

    We did a few things to adjsut for this, without throttling my tanking dps.

    If the first taunt swap is more than about 10 seconds into the fight, let him pull first and pop his DPS cooldowns. Save your CDs for the first taunt swap. Taunt, use your potion and trinkets, and go HAM. He should be out of damage CDs by now, and your Damage plus the taunt should help. The hardest times against a VDH is during the first 10-15 seconds into the fight. After that, the taunt swaps combined with a decent rotation should keep you ahead.

    If your VDH is pulling off of you alter in the fight, then it's almost certainly a rotation issue on your part.

    If you HAVE to tank first, for some reason, then he needs to hold back.

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