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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by inyu View Post
    I have asked chatGPT to give me some names, that's a pretty good answer:

    1. Stormbinder
    Reasoning: Thrall is known for his mastery of the elements, particularly his ability to call upon storms and lightning in battle. This name highlights his shamanic connection to the elements.

    2. Earthshaker
    Reasoning: Thrall's affinity with the earth element and his role in shaping the destiny of the Orcish people resonates with the idea of shaking or shaping the world. This surname emphasizes his connection to the land and his power to cause significant change.

    3. Warchiefson
    Reasoning: As the son of Durotan, a former Warchief, and as a former Warchief himself, this name would honor his lineage and leadership role among the Orcs.

    4. Wolfrunner
    Reasoning: Thrall has a symbolic connection with wolves, as seen in his time with the Frostwolves. This name would represent his bond with the wild and his tribal origins.

    5. Ironhand
    Reasoning: Thrall’s leadership style balances strength and compassion, and "Ironhand" reflects his firm, yet fair approach to guiding his people.

    6. Skyseer
    Reasoning: Thrall often looks to the skies for guidance from the elements, and his vision extends beyond just immediate concerns, reflecting a deep wisdom and foresight.

    7. Oathkeeper
    Reasoning: Thrall is a character driven by his strong sense of honor, duty, and commitment to his people. This name reflects his reliability and dedication to keeping his promises.

    8. Wolfrage
    Reasoning: A fiercer version of the "Wolfrunner" idea, this surname would emphasize Thrall's capacity for ferocity and his inner strength as a warrior of the Frostwolves.

    9. Earthwarden
    Reasoning: This name highlights Thrall's role as a protector of the world and its elements, particularly with his ties to shamanism and elemental forces.

    10. Stormrage
    Reasoning: Similar to "Stormbinder," this name emphasizes Thrall's command over the elements, but with a more intense focus on his raw power in battle.
    Thrall stealing nickname from Malfurion would certainly be a power move, hope that's the plot of the next patch. To be honest neither Storm nor Rage fits Malfurion anyway.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    Soyboy. The Emasculated.

    Very much in tune with WoW's current vibe post Warlords of Draenor. Varian Wrynn dying in Legion was very emblematic and representative of WoW's current direction: no manly men allowed, only sad and whimpering soyboys.
    I've noticed that those who constantly whine about the masculinity of others, seem to be the most fragile members of our species.

  3. #63
    It's Thrall, first name John.

    He's John Thrall.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Thrall Durotanson
    Everything gets so much simpler when you adapt the old Nordic naming convention.

  5. #65
    Thrall, Champion of Idiots, after making Garrosh Warchief.
    Maybe something like Numbskull?

  6. #66
    Why not Thrall Burr

  7. #67
    Since his first name is Go'el, his last name should be Ratzon (a cult leader's name).

  8. #68
    Elemental Lord
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    Aug 2009
    Uch.. Thrall kinda sucks ngl.

    Idk, I wouldnt give him a nickname, why would he..hes just Thrall, guy who used to be warchief. Lost it all.

    Leave it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by inyu View Post
    I have asked chatGPT to give me some names, that's a pretty good answer:

    1. Stormbinder
    Reasoning: Thrall is known for his mastery of the elements, particularly his ability to call upon storms and lightning in battle. This name highlights his shamanic connection to the elements.

    2. Earthshaker
    Reasoning: Thrall's affinity with the earth element and his role in shaping the destiny of the Orcish people resonates with the idea of shaking or shaping the world. This surname emphasizes his connection to the land and his power to cause significant change.

    3. Warchiefson
    Reasoning: As the son of Durotan, a former Warchief, and as a former Warchief himself, this name would honor his lineage and leadership role among the Orcs.

    4. Wolfrunner
    Reasoning: Thrall has a symbolic connection with wolves, as seen in his time with the Frostwolves. This name would represent his bond with the wild and his tribal origins.

    5. Ironhand
    Reasoning: Thrall’s leadership style balances strength and compassion, and "Ironhand" reflects his firm, yet fair approach to guiding his people.

    6. Skyseer
    Reasoning: Thrall often looks to the skies for guidance from the elements, and his vision extends beyond just immediate concerns, reflecting a deep wisdom and foresight.

    7. Oathkeeper
    Reasoning: Thrall is a character driven by his strong sense of honor, duty, and commitment to his people. This name reflects his reliability and dedication to keeping his promises.

    8. Wolfrage
    Reasoning: A fiercer version of the "Wolfrunner" idea, this surname would emphasize Thrall's capacity for ferocity and his inner strength as a warrior of the Frostwolves.

    9. Earthwarden
    Reasoning: This name highlights Thrall's role as a protector of the world and its elements, particularly with his ties to shamanism and elemental forces.

    10. Stormrage
    Reasoning: Similar to "Stormbinder," this name emphasizes Thrall's command over the elements, but with a more intense focus on his raw power in battle.
    Really needed chatgpt for this.?

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Uch.. Thrall kinda sucks ngl.

    Idk, I wouldnt give him a nickname, why would he..hes just Thrall, guy who used to be warchief. Lost it all.

    Leave it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Really needed chatgpt for this.?
    Only chatGPT would have the balls to steal Malfurions nickname and give it to Thrall

  10. #70
    The Patient
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Uch.. Thrall kinda sucks ngl.

    Idk, I wouldnt give him a nickname, why would he..hes just Thrall, guy who used to be warchief. Lost it all.

    Leave it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Really needed chatgpt for this.?
    Sorry if it offended you, I thought it would be fun.

  11. #71
    He is a Skywalker.
    Thrall Skywalker.

  12. #72
    Dreadlord Sagenod's Avatar
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    I believe his surname would represent his status as “Orc Jesus” because let’s just be reasonable, that’s more or less what he is. It’s an interesting comparison when considering the sacrificial nature of Jesus’s story. Similar to how he “took on the sins of man,” Thrall’s story in WC3 Reign of Chaos is him “taking on the sins of orcs” in the sense that he is fighting to save them from their corruption by the Burning Legion, which of course required killing lots of said corrupted Orcs. Because nothing in reality can be done without sacrificing something, whether that’s energy to walk, money to pay rent, or lives lost to stir the hearts of the masses.

    tl;dr: Stormheart

  13. #73
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by inyu View Post
    Sorry if it offended you, I thought it would be fun.
    Nah, ur good its more like he doesnt deserve one tbh

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Soimu View Post
    He is a Skywalker.
    Thrall Skywalker.
    Could fit for Warcraft indeed. And Thrall is from space so there are plenty of reasons for it to work.

    Thrall Earthwalker could walk as in The Elements, or maybe Thrall The Poor as Thrall means slave and slaves are usually poor.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Those are (positive) human quality. What does it have to do with "manly" ?
    Watching mid century liberals ply their trade while

    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Care to explain what you mean by that ? As far as I know, the only criteria for being a man is having a penis, and although we generally don't see wow characters naked, I'm fairly certain that all male characters have one (or some sort of male reproductive system depending on the specie).
    this would get you eaten alive by late models of your same religion is amusing.

    you know what he means, your rhetoric is specifically designed to contradict what you know implicitly while maneuvering to get your opponent to out himself as a heretic.

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