Poll: Which expansion was the best for m+ ?

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  1. #21
    I liked BfA and SL but I always absolutely hated need of invis potions and weird % route. I prefer it when trash bar fills naturally when you go "intended" route rather than picking up some obscure mobs and weird ass skips.

    So TWW will probably end up as best (though it's too early to rate it yet).

  2. #22
    I personally loved the SL

  3. #23
    I think "your favourite m+ season" would be a better poll. I think the best seasons where in BfA and SL but they both also had stinkers

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I think "your favourite m+ season" would be a better poll. I think the best seasons where in BfA and SL but they both also had stinkers

    I think Legion with it's introduction and less stream lining was super nice.

    My favorite was DF season 3 by far though. BfA season 4 was also fun

    I'm not a big M+ guy have gotten KSM in two seasons but part of it is because I found those 2 seasons so much more enjoyable than the others I wasn't willing to put in time otherwise.
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  5. #25
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    TWW may ultimately end up being the best. Too early too tell. The changes to M+ affixes is both refreshing and welcomed. I absolutely hate dealing with Tyrannical and Fortified at the same time, on top of the increased difficulty tuning they did specifically for TWW.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I absolutely hate dealing with Tyrannical and Fortified at the same time, on top of the increased difficulty tuning they did specifically for TWW.
    I think this is, on the whole, one of the best M+ changes this expansion. It makes your routes and cooldown times very consistent from week to week and saves having to memorise multiple different version of the same dungeon. I can just have one M+ spec and roll with it, without needing to keep changing it week to week.

    That consistency comes at the cost of varity though. Getting the same afixes does get a little dry after a while, but it's still better than some of the alternatives we've had in the past in my opinion.

    I appreciate it can be a little daunting for people trying to make the jump up to +10's and then later on to +12's, but it's much easier to just have to learn the dungeon once and have that stick and it far more convenient to get in the practice once the dungeons are the exact same every time. I consider it a net positive overall - But I'd be interested to know your reasons for disliking it.

    To answer the poll - BFA. It had some good seasonal afixes and the pool of dungeons still has a lot of my favourites in. I'm a huge fan of having them back in the M+ Rotations just because it's an excuse to do them again.

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