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  1. #1
    High Overlord Zalatoby's Avatar
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    Other Plunderstorm Zones?

    After they announced Bootleg will be plundering Arathi Highlands again, I started wondering;

    What other zones could be viable for a Plunderstorm?

    An Immediate thought I had was Un'goro Crater, being like an "arena-bowl" already.
    The staging grounds could either be Gadgetzan or the Pirate outpost (forgotten the name).

    What other zones do you think could be viable?
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

  2. #2
    I was thinking about Tanaris, since there is already pirate activity there.

  3. #3
    We want a zone with pirate presence, that is not particularly large, that has some diversity and that has a reasonable amount of LoS opportunities.
    Uldum could work

  4. #4
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    We want a zone with pirate presence, that is not particularly large, that has some diversity and that has a reasonable amount of LoS opportunities.
    Uldum could work
    Southern Stranglethorn? Plenty of trees, painfully obvious pirate presence. Tropical zone, so storms make sense. Heck, maybe both Norther and Southern, given that should be equal to the size of Arathi. Southern STV by itself is pretty tiny.
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  5. #5
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Blade's Edge Mountains.

    Nagrand, would be a good one.

    The Barrens?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Southern Stranglethorn? Plenty of trees, painfully obvious pirate presence. Tropical zone, so storms make sense. Heck, maybe both Norther and Southern, given that should be equal to the size of Arathi. Southern STV by itself is pretty tiny.
    Thing with STV is, if you have both zones then they really are not that easy to navigate. If only one, it's probably too small.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Blade's Edge Mountains.

    Nagrand, would be a good one.

    The Barrens?
    Northern Barrens sounds like a solid pick.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Blade's Edge Mountains.

    Nagrand, would be a good one.

    The Barrens?
    Somewhat off-topic but a space pirate Plunderstorm iteration in Outland would be so cool.

  8. #8
    High Overlord Zalatoby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Blade's Edge Mountains.

    Nagrand, would be a good one.

    The Barrens?
    I don't think Blade's edge mountains would be good. It's got too many plateaus, where players might get trapped at the bottom, when the storm ends on top. Plus the apexix area us closed off by foot.

    I can see Nagrand and Barrens work. Dunno if it'll be the old version, or just one of the parts.
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zalatoby View Post
    After they announced Bootleg will be plundering Arathi Highlands again, I started wondering;

    What other zones could be viable for a Plunderstorm?

    An Immediate thought I had was Un'goro Crater, being like an "arena-bowl" already.
    The staging grounds could either be Gadgetzan or the Pirate outpost (forgotten the name).

    What other zones do you think could be viable?
    any zone really. I confess I am slightly disappointed that they are re-using Arathi again...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Northern Barrens sounds like a solid pick.
    Too much Horde there. I think the zone has to be kinda neutral too. Outland zones does not work either, since it's outlands. I think the zone has to be in Azeroth.

    So STV, Uldum, Tanaris and Un'Goro could work. Another bet for me would be Grizzly Hills.

  11. #11
    Uldum would be good

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z3ROR View Post
    Too much Horde there. I think the zone has to be kinda neutral too. Outland zones does not work either, since it's outlands. I think the zone has to be in Azeroth.

    So STV, Uldum, Tanaris and Un'Goro could work. Another bet for me would be Grizzly Hills.
    Zone faction is irrelevant, the setting is. That being said I don’t think northern barrens would be any good

  13. #13
    i think maldraxxus could be cool, could even have the big treasure elemental spawn in the arena

  14. #14
    I would have liked a more fantastical looking environment. Maybe a floating Bastion island (or some world falling into the Netherstorm) where instead of an encroaching wall of storm, instead the island is slowly crumbling apart from the outside in.

  15. #15
    High Overlord Zalatoby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I would have liked a more fantastical looking environment. Maybe a floating Bastion island (or some world falling into the Netherstorm) where instead of an encroaching wall of storm, instead the island is slowly crumbling apart from the outside in.
    That sounds like an amazing idea, but how would it be implemented practically? When running around, there is a clear visual of where the storm is, and you can see the circles on the map. In this version, how would it be made visual when running around? On the map the rock-chunks could easilly be marked at "crumbeling", but how would it be made visually apparent the ground underneath me is about to disappear?
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Zalatoby View Post
    On the map the rock-chunks could easilly be marked at "crumbeling", but how would it be made visually apparent the ground underneath me is about to disappear?
    Easiest solution would be to have the map broken into many segmented rings which break off one at a time, like the Lich King's platform atop ICC (but on the scale of a huge zone), with a texture of the ground cracking the closer you are to the edge. The more advanced techy solution would to have a shader that gradually and seemlessly disappears the map with add crumble particle effects, like the shaders you commonly see on mobs in other games where the mob/character is slowly unveiled/reviled.

  17. #17
    I feel like a Plunderstorm zone needs to fulfil these criteria's:
    - Not too large
    - A good amount of landmarks, but not too much clutter (trees mostly)
    - A zone that isn't too wide in either dimension (something like darkshore)
    - Needs to have some buildings, but not too many
    - Needs to have no extravagant cave networks (think Tanaris hives)

    Northern Barrens or westfall (without) coast. are the only ones I can think off currently. They can use bigger maps and then only use a section, but that would require some more creativity.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    I feel like a Plunderstorm zone needs to fulfil these criteria's:
    - Not too large
    - A good amount of landmarks, but not too much clutter (trees mostly)
    - A zone that isn't too wide in either dimension (something like darkshore)
    - Needs to have some buildings, but not too many
    - Needs to have no extravagant cave networks (think Tanaris hives)

    Northern Barrens or westfall (without) coast. are the only ones I can think off currently. They can use bigger maps and then only use a section, but that would require some more creativity.
    For the caves, they could easily close them for the plunderstorm version.
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  19. #19
    High Overlord Zalatoby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    For the caves, they could easily close them for the plunderstorm version.
    That would make Tanaris and Silithus highly viable.

    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    I feel like a Plunderstorm zone needs to fulfil these criteria's:
    - Not too large
    - A good amount of landmarks, but not too much clutter (trees mostly)
    - A zone that isn't too wide in either dimension (something like darkshore)
    - Needs to have some buildings, but not too many
    - Needs to have no extravagant cave networks (think Tanaris hives)

    Northern Barrens or westfall (without) coast. are the only ones I can think off currently. They can use bigger maps and then only use a section, but that would require some more creativity.
    I never concidered Westfall, but it might be a brilliant, with the scattered buildings, and hilly terrain. Moonbrook would be an epic hotspot!
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

  20. #20
    I think Desolace would be great. It is mostly flat and open. It also hasn't been used for any quests, warfronts, invasions, visions etc. so it has been a very long time since we have been there.

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