Quote Originally Posted by Polybius View Post
PvP was never the draw of the game, it was the world and how forgiving the mechanics were to new and returning players. Older MMORPGs punished you for dying or being absent for extended periods of time. There hasn't been any other MMO with seamless transitions between zones and fluid combat like WoW's.

If you want to see games with PvP as the heart and soul look no further than MOBAs. PvP social restrictions were the bane of ESO, and mandatory PvP made Archeage more punishing.

Games won't all pander to the same audience. If you don't like it play another game or make your own, let the rest enjoy their enduring "flops".
Oh i wont play it, it just a shame that enviroment aritsts skills are being wasted on trash, and people are losing their jobs and studios are closing due to horrible game narrative choices. More people are playing kingdom deliverance right now which came out years ago, than dragon age which just released. The market will self correct if they aren't being funded by investment firms to alter their games.