My favourites ranking:
1. Azuremyst Isle
2. Mulgore
3. Nagrand (Outland)
4. Dun Morogh
I hope our house can have a medieval jukebox so we can choose which music that will be playing.
Human inn music
Dwarf tavern music
Tauren inn music
Pirate tavern music
Argent tournament music
Grizzly Hills music
Wow has always had stellar music.
I have a feeling that housing in Northrend will get unlocked upon the release of The Last Titan. Love the idea of Grizzly Hills of course.
We would also need a 'reverse' hearth stone to go back from the house to the current content zones. I am not travelling back from Grizzly Hills to Midnight zones every time I go to my house![]()
This. I did the exact same thing when I took an extended break a while back. Parked all my toons near their respective starting areas. My troll hunter in Echo Isles, my orc warrior on the bridge in Orgrimmar inton Ashenvale, my forsaken rogue at the Inn in Brill, etc.
Prolly do something similar with the housing, going for the houses closest to "home".
"Stop being a giant trolling asshole." - Boubouille
"The Internet is built on complaints about asinine things" - prefect
"Facts became discussable when critical thinking stopped being the focus of education."- Chonogo
"Sometimes people confuse "We Don't Understand This Yet" with "Ooga Booga Space Magic" - Chazus
Mulgore. It was already bad, when Blizzard moved all capital features to just one city per faction. Because it killed part of race RP. I liked Thunder Bluff much more, than Orgrimmar.
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.
So people think we can actually place our house somewhere into the world or are we taking "what theme will our house have, that will be behind some portal in orgrimmar?
I guess my druid would want some burrow in Hyjal, if more than one style per faction will be a thing this time.
"And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five?
A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head."
A moldy basement apartment in Suramar that has ancient mana leaking into it and junkie Nightborn slurping it outside my barred window
Storm Peaks probably. Or the capital city for convenience
I'd love a small city house in Boralus.
But if it's only the two OG continents, it'll be a hut on Thunderbluff, or a house overseeing the canals in Stormwind.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Zandalar, mainly because of troll culture and i like jungle zones with dinosaurs.
My Orc will be 100% in Hellfire Peninsula (Outland) building his home at the path of glory.
Last edited by tromage2; 2024-11-21 at 09:50 PM.
It was in the prompt for this thread, haha. If this is the case, then...
That being said, I think that Blizzard is determined to deliver something high quality, and they clearly stated that they're starting out by trying to figure out what the community wants. I would be extremely surprised if the community in general comes out in favour of housing being instanced. In my mind, the only real question is whether housing will be something that can be built anywhere in the world (unlikely); something that can be built, but only in certain rentable plots (like Archeage); or something that is prebuilt and must be rented as is (like FFXIV).
Its gonna be dissapointing.. Blizzard doesnt know how to make anything GREAT anymore.. they just make tolerable things.
Nagrand.So many zones too pick between.
EIther Westfall or Redridge Mountain, i could also place it at Elwyn Forest, where everything started, lol.
And when was the last time they gave "quality?" That brontosaurus mount that had most paying an added price of an additional CE Expansion?
Was that before the layoffs this year or after? Oh wait, it's something they say every year. Nevermind.
“But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart