1. #1

    Hero Talents should have gotten Artifact treatment.

    Specifically, they should have each had an intro quest. They should have had specific weapon transmogs. Hell, it would've been perfect for each season to have one tier-like armor set based on each of the classes' hero specs.

    It's just really weird that we can finally be dark rangers, but nothing in the game references outside of you picking the talent and seeing the spell cast. Even Covenant spells felt more grounded in the narrative because you earned them through quests.

    Artifacts did it better!


  2. #2
    I'm not against this but I honestly think they should just take the easy route and add more artifact weapon appearances.

    Legion still has the most beautiful weapon appearances and they should simply just add more every expansion...

    I've been using thas'dorah bow on my hunter for like 10 years now because all the other new bows are ugly and don't have quivers, I would be happy with new weapon appearances to collect.

  3. #3
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amnaught View Post
    Specifically, they should have each had an intro quest. They should have had specific weapon transmogs. Hell, it would've been perfect for each season to have one tier-like armor set based on each of the classes' hero specs.

    It's just really weird that we can finally be dark rangers, but nothing in the game references outside of you picking the talent and seeing the spell cast. Even Covenant spells felt more grounded in the narrative because you earned them through quests.

    Artifacts did it better!

    Alternatively, no, they should not have gotten the Artifact Weapon treatment.

    There needed to be a story of how these weapons, sometimes ancient weapons of massive power and some being wielded by legendary named lore figures of the past... ended up in the hands of the champions.

    The player characters having access to Hero Talents, and the spec/class fantasies they are tied into Hero Talents, have been there in the lore already. Like you said, all of a sudden you can be a Dark Ranger when Dark Rangers have been there all of this time already. Our player characters are now just being able to get closer to these fantasies instead of you (the actual player) having to simply role play them.

  4. #4
    by artifact treatment it also means becoming useless after the expansion, which they might will considering theres no expansion-feature that was relevant later, same for midnight housing will be an expansion-only feature

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Elfezen View Post
    which they might will considering theres no expansion-feature that was relevant later, same for midnight housing will be an expansion-only feature
    1. Dungeon Finder, Timewalking, Mythic+ dungeons, LFR, Weekly Vaults, Dragon/Skyriding, and I'm sure if I bothered to look, I could find more.

    2. They have said that housing will be an evergreen feature.

  6. #6
    I hope they get the artifact treatment as in become obsolete after this expansion.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mic_128 View Post
    1. Dungeon Finder, Timewalking, Mythic+ dungeons, LFR, Weekly Vaults, Dragon/Skyriding, and I'm sure if I bothered to look, I could find more.

    2. They have said that housing will be an evergreen feature.
    erm those are systems not hero talents, and do u want a bare bones game?

  8. #8
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amnaught View Post
    Specifically, they should have each had an intro quest. They should have had specific weapon transmogs. Hell, it would've been perfect for each season to have one tier-like armor set based on each of the classes' hero specs.

    It's just really weird that we can finally be dark rangers, but nothing in the game references outside of you picking the talent and seeing the spell cast. Even Covenant spells felt more grounded in the narrative because you earned them through quests.

    Artifacts did it better!

    This wouls defeat their purpose as a low cost low maintenance "feature". Hero talents are meant to sell you on things youd get anyway every expansion. They are nothing special and are simple a low investment feature designed to sell an expansion. The "Hero" in hero talents is nothing but a few points.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by thunderdragon2 View Post
    erm those are systems not hero talents, and do u want a bare bones game?
    Hero talents are a system too, buddy.

  10. #10
    Most of the hero talents (75%+ imo) seem forced, and frankly suck. It makes more sense to me to scrap hero talents as a system entirely, then simplify down the good ones and bake them into the base talent trees.

    What we needed more is an updated cosmetic customization system like Glyphs.

  11. #11
    This, "hero talents" were invented just to list it as TWW feature despite it being out of place well as you said it- forced.

  12. #12
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfezen View Post
    by artifact treatment it also means becoming useless after the expansion, which they might will considering theres no expansion-feature that was relevant later, same for midnight housing will be an expansion-only feature
    u really see a future with more talents added to current system? I don't
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    http://youtu.be/x3ejO7Nssj8 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by sam86 View Post
    u really see a future with more talents added to current system? I don't
    I personally am hoping they take from SoD and add stuff like warlock tanking and mage healing. I think it could do a lot to help with the healer and tank shortage in retail for faster dungeon groups if they add these roles to existing classes.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deferionus View Post
    I personally am hoping they take from SoD and add stuff like warlock tanking and mage healing. I think it could do a lot to help with the healer and tank shortage in retail for faster dungeon groups if they add these roles to existing classes.
    warlock tanking i'm with it, after all i play since days warlock did tank some fights
    mage healing i don't see it at all however
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    http://youtu.be/x3ejO7Nssj8 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Amnaught View Post
    Specifically, they should have each had an intro quest. They should have had specific weapon transmogs. Hell, it would've been perfect for each season to have one tier-like armor set based on each of the classes' hero specs.

    It's just really weird that we can finally be dark rangers, but nothing in the game references outside of you picking the talent and seeing the spell cast. Even Covenant spells felt more grounded in the narrative because you earned them through quests.

    As long as they are short, painless and skippable on alts...sure...

    But I don't trust Blizzard. To this day I have not unlocked the Earthen Allied race, because I always seem to end one part and then have no idea where to pick up the next. Yeah, I could look it up on a 3rd Party site, but a) - don't care about that race b) - I expect Blizzard to sort these kind of things out. I mean..they can put big pink triangle quests on the map, surely they can pay attention to these things.

    And yeah, I also constantly encounter immensely shitty WQs - so something is seriously unbalanced in they design abd Quality control - so I rather take Hero Talents as they are than some fuck up that accompanies me through..what..12 classes and each has 2 hero talent trees to unlock and quest through?

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