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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Hotmail View Post
    Which mount is that? Looks like you're riding Deathwing on top of Thunder Bluff. Super goofy
    It is the Deathwing mount from the 2016 anniversary event. The Obsidian Worldbreaker.
    Meanwhile, back on Azeroth, the overwhelming majority of the orcs languished in internment camps. One Orc had a dream. A dream to reunite the disparate souls trapped under the lock and key of the Alliance. So he raided the internment camps, freeing those orcs that he could, and reached out to a downtrodden tribe of trolls to aid him in rebuilding a Horde where orcs could live free of the humans who defeated them so long ago. That orc's name was... Rend.

  2. #42
    Of those I have:
    Ashes of Al'ar
    Amani War Bear (TBC one)
    Raven Lord
    Onyx Netherdrake
    Swift Razzashi Raptor
    Snapback Scuttler
    Sanctums Gloomcharger Reigns
    Llothien Prowler
    Lightforged Warframe
    Cenarion Hippogryph
    Hellblazing Reins of the Brimstone Wrathsteed

    Five of those. If I haven't forgotten any. Oh yes I have but I wont be finished if I am making an exact top 5 list..

    And for the one I dont have which is high on the list:
    Mimiron's Head.
    Mostly World of Warcraft stuff

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    1) Swift spectral tiger. (best mount in vanilla and will always be the greatest)

    2) Vicious war riverbeast. (unique mount and came out great)

    3) Lightforged warframe. (best mech mount ingame)

    4) Vicious War Fox [Horde] (great details on the armor with this mount)

    5) Furious gladiator’s frost wyrm. (one of the best dragon mount designs even to this day its one of the best)

    Green Gladiator's Proto-Drake (never made the game but i love the camouflage color on this mount its crazy best proto dragon in my opinion and it never made it to get released.....)
    I love my hipo, and it's surprising that it's still the only hipo mount in the game. It's an exclusive mount model and skeleton locked behind rated pvp, and exclusive to the alliance as well.

  4. #44
    1. Invincible's Reins
    2. Deathcharger's Reins
    3. Obsidian Gravewing
    4. Voidtalon of the Dark Star
    5. Smoldering Egg of Millagazor

    Got the lot thankfully, except the gravewing, didn't play SL long enough to get it. =/

  5. #45
    Stood in the Fire meroes's Avatar
    7+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Not DL
    1. Bronze Drake because it’s so troll because everyone got it.

    2-5. Gladiator Frostwyrm, Onyxia, Vanilla original epic mounts (horses and sabers). These are the only good looking mounts that do anything for me.
    Started in closed beta, probably before your class was even in the game.

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