1. #1

    Twilight blade vs Nightblade

    wowhead.com/item=31331/the-night-blade vs wowhead.com/cata/item=68163/the-twilight-blade

    They're both BOEs but one is 200k gold and the other is like 4 million on AH. Whats the difference from a MOG's perspective? I can't tell?

  2. #2
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    The difference in price is probably relate to drop rate, one you can farm from mobs and the other comes from a lockbox, so more expensive

    But the mog is the same, maybe people would want one with the cooler name

  3. #3
    for appearance they are definitely not worth any of those prices, theres tons of pvp vendor weapons you can get for free that are much better looking

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Elfezen View Post
    theres tons of pvp vendor weapons you can get for free that are much better looking
    That's subjective and irrelevant to the question being asked.

  5. #5
    Damn,those were both around 50k when I bought them back in the day. O.o

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