Last edited by merywow; Yesterday at 11:57 AM.
they do, just the stuff is great for DIFFERENT PEOPLE, as its purely subjective...
those things added this month are great for someone, and things you think were best ever added to TP were absolute and utter shit to someone...
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if i just give you pc game, its not free then? bcs you have to buy pc, pay for electricity, internet perhaps...
yes, you already have those things for other reasons... same as with wow sub you dolt...
i mean if you buy sub ONLY to get the TP items its not free for you then, but you would be idiot to do so...
for people playing the game its COMPLETELY FREE despite your attempted mental gymnastics...
why would we go to your place
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nah its correct... your opinion on the other hand is incorrect and worthless, tp items are free to all players
Why is there a lot of Valentines stuff mixed in lol ?
Some of the stuff would have been more fitting for february / velentines day.