Thread: Tired

  1. #1


    Is anyone else tired of warlocks being depicted/portrayed as necromancers who can channel death bolts/coils/energies or forbidden powers, but cannot raise the dead as undead with soulstones? Blizzard Entertainment keeps giving warlocks necromantic abilities (e g. Necrolyte Teachings), but not the one necromantic ability that actually raises the dead. I can see warlocks as necromancers who cause death, but don't raise the dead.

  2. #2
    I'm happy with how they are currently portrayed and very against this idea about raising undead with Soulstones.

  3. #3
    There could be different branches, they could be undead necromancy type warlocks or demonic type warlocks. Hero talents maybe.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by NekoOwlAzure View Post
    There could be different branches, they could be undead necromancy type warlocks or demonic type warlocks. Hero talents maybe.
    Sometimes I wonder where Blizzard Entertainment gets its ideas from. Gorefiend's Resolve for example improves the functionality of soulstones, but where did Blizzard Entertainment get the soulstone ability from? The warlock Gul'dan used soulstones to improve his death knights, but where in-game do soulstones raise the dead as undead?

    The company should just stop beating around the bush and give warlocks the animate dead ability. The very ultimate ability of hellcallers in WC3 is the animate dead ability and soul harvester might as well be renamed necrolyte.

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