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  1. #341
    These decisions ruined the horde:
    -They villain batted the horde twice and the second time was completely nonsensical.
    -They added elves (two of them) to the horde
    -As a result of villain batting the Horde, most of their recognizable leaders from W3 onwards were killed or exiled(and Gallywix is next)

    As of now, the horde as a hero faction makes little sense as an organization (BE + NB seem like a different faction altogether) and they barely have good, likable characters left so we see things like TWW where they focus on the characters they do have, which are mostly alliance or neutral.

    These decisions made the fantasy world worse by destroying places, which are mostly alliance:
    - Drained Loch Modan and destroyed the Dam
    - Destroyed the only actual magical tree with a city and villages on it in WoW and replaced it with a simpler tree with just huts on the side.
    - Destroyed auberdine in cata and further destoyed darkshore in bfa
    - Destroyed the floating city of magic and don't seem to intend to build it back
    - Destroyed Theramore, the only Alliance big city on kalimdor besides Darnassus (which was in an island, so not proper kalimdor). The alliance now does not have any hub in Kalimdor until they remake the elf zones.
    - Destroyed Gilneas, the London-style city of werewolves, and took it back late and in a rushed, uninteresting way.
    - Destroyed Kezan, the high tech city of the goblins. They are fixing this with the upcoming undermine patch.
    - Never properly reclaimed Gnomeregan as a hub

    And finally:
    - They don't make likeable, epic male character heroes anymore. They only create cool female characters, which is cool, but male characters are sad all the time or more scholar type.
    Last edited by allegrian; Today at 12:52 PM.

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