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  1. #1

    Quick dungeons = quick queue?

    I don't believe, that lesser amount of players play Vanilla Timewalking, than play WotLK Timewalking. Therefore there is only one way to explain ~10-15 minutes difference between WotLK Timewalking queue and Vanilla one - length of dungeons themselves.

    There is thread on official forums, where player complains about tanks not completing quests or killing side bosses in Timewalking dungeons. Here is reason why. We have so long queues exactly due to some noobs trying to complete quests in dungeons, while it's pointless waste of time, as dungeon completion grants ~1.5 levels.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    I don't believe, that lesser amount of players play Vanilla Timewalking, than play WotLK Timewalking.
    Maybe you should believe it. Vanilla dungeons suck, WotLK dungeons are better. Not as good as modern dungeons, but better than Vanilla ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena
    Whats the saying .. You have two brain cells and they are both fighting for third place !

  3. #3
    Scarab Lord
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    Hold the noobs hands and explain it to them, that the dungeon quests aren't worthwhile since they don't scale with level,

    Killing side bosses you absolutely should for more time-reaver mount chances, many of them are right on the path to last boss anyway.
    Every patch is the worst until the next one arrives, then it's nostalgia and suddenly the best while the new patch takes over being the worst.

    If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  4. #4
    Mechagnome Uvania's Avatar
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    it's because vanilla dungeons suck in a retail enviroment and this comes from me that is a huge classic enjoyer currently playing anniversery realms and already lvl 58 and those dungeons belong in their original enviroment not on retail and tbf blizzard chosed the wrong dungeons, we should have had SFK, Stockades, RFD, ST in the mix instead of DM East, Strat Live, Strat UD and DM West.. even if those dungeons i mentioned has been reworked for other expansions.

  5. #5
    One one hand, vanilla dungeons suck when compared to the wotlk ones.
    On another hand, the non-vanilla weekly grants 10 coins as opposed to the 3 I think the classic grants. The week before LK, I rolled my eyes when I saw classic again and just didn't do any, and I always do TW as a tank to dodge queues.
    Lastly, killing a side boss or an extra pack for a quest does not add 15 minutes to a dungeon. If someone wants to do a side quest, they have every right to ask to do them. Just because some people are just bored with WoW and just want to get shit done and collect appearnce #52727 that they will never use, doesn't mean everyone should be forced in this mentality.
    Mad about queues? How about tank some dungeons? You should have enough knowledge if you're at the point of just skipping everything, not that any is required to begin with.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Stickiler View Post
    Maybe you should believe it. Vanilla dungeons suck, WotLK dungeons are better. Not as good as modern dungeons, but better than Vanilla ones.
    Yeah, but at the end players don't do these dungeons just for sake for doing them. They farm badges/coins. And it doesn't matter, where to grind them.

    Yeah, some other factors should be taken into account, like many players not knowing where to go in 20yr old dungeons and overall higher failure rate. Like Hunters/Warlocks not dismissing their pets before jumping and pulling whole dungeon (problem, that was fixed back in MOP, but returned recently). Pulling first boss in Stratholme with all trash. Bugged soft-locking Zul'Farrak. But difference between 4 minutes and 17? I don't think so.

    Another obvious mistake - 2 Vanilla Timewalking weeks in a row. Yeah, players get tired of it by it's end. But. It's first day of Timewalking today.

  7. #7
    I mean, it's really not some black magic.

    Shorter dungeons mean more XP, shorter dungeons mean quicker rewards (may it be completing the 5 weekly dungeons, or farming currency). The reward for killing optional bosses is pretty much negligible, the loot (at max level) is pointless, and at lower level I will always prefer faster XP over some gear I wear for 5 levels.

    So it's only logical that people prefer them. I normally also only bother with BC and WotlK timewalking because in average they have the fastest dungeons with the least potential of something going wrong (if for example the tank has no idea about the dungeon itself).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post

    Another obvious mistake - 2 Vanilla Timewalking weeks in a row. Yeah, players get tired of it by it's end. But. It's first day of Timewalking today.
    wasn't last week Wrath TW week?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    wasn't last week Wrath TW week?
    Yes it was.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    Yes it was.
    I mean, we had 2 weeks Vanilla, 1 week TBC, 2 weeks Vanilla, 1 week WotLK, etc. Why not just Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, etc.?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    I mean, we had 2 weeks Vanilla, 1 week TBC, 2 weeks Vanilla, 1 week WotLK, etc. Why not just Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, etc.?
    because the Vanilla TW dungeons are a main feature of the patch, so whenever we don't have a regular TW week we get Vanilla. then when the anniversary event ends, then the TW rotation will include Vanilla in the normal way

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    I mean, we had 2 weeks Vanilla, 1 week TBC, 2 weeks Vanilla, 1 week WotLK, etc. Why not just Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, etc.?
    For the same reason that, if I remember correctly, we had multiple weeks of Legion timewalking back to back when it was first introduced.
    MMO Champs :

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Yeah, but at the end players don't do these dungeons just for sake for doing them. They farm badges/coins. And it doesn't matter, where to grind them.

    Yeah, some other factors should be taken into account, like many players not knowing where to go in 20yr old dungeons and overall higher failure rate. Like Hunters/Warlocks not dismissing their pets before jumping and pulling whole dungeon (problem, that was fixed back in MOP, but returned recently). Pulling first boss in Stratholme with all trash. Bugged soft-locking Zul'Farrak. But difference between 4 minutes and 17? I don't think so.

    Another obvious mistake - 2 Vanilla Timewalking weeks in a row. Yeah, players get tired of it by it's end. But. It's first day of Timewalking today.
    It sounds like you should roll up your sleeves, and play a tank. You'll get instant queues, and you get to control where the party goes.

  14. #14
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    I don't believe, that lesser amount of players play Vanilla Timewalking, than play WotLK Timewalking. Therefore there is only one way to explain ~10-15 minutes difference between WotLK Timewalking queue and Vanilla one - length of dungeons themselves.

    There is thread on official forums, where player complains about tanks not completing quests or killing side bosses in Timewalking dungeons. Here is reason why. We have so long queues exactly due to some noobs trying to complete quests in dungeons, while it's pointless waste of time, as dungeon completion grants ~1.5 levels.
    We have long queues because we have a lack of healers and tanks, STILL, and now we have twink boosters trying to force you to pay for being in their groups, and many times, you are the one kicked and not the booster in the random queue.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  15. #15
    Oh, keep your shirt on. If I want to complete a quest, I don't give a rat's ass if you feel inconvenienced. The quests do scale up to level 70 if you activate Timewalking, and completing every quest in a dungeon is good for somewhere between half to a full level. Most quests involve just playing through the main bosses, so if there's one that requires I take an extra 30 seconds to loot something, I don't feel bad at all about it.

    How about you chill out a little and stop getting heated over people "wasting" a minute of your time. To me, the pressure to speed through dungeons is annoying.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    I don't believe, that lesser amount of players play Vanilla Timewalking, than play WotLK Timewalking. Therefore there is only one way to explain ~10-15 minutes difference between WotLK Timewalking queue and Vanilla one - length of dungeons themselves.

    There is thread on official forums, where player complains about tanks not completing quests or killing side bosses in Timewalking dungeons. Here is reason why. We have so long queues exactly due to some noobs trying to complete quests in dungeons, while it's pointless waste of time, as dungeon completion grants ~1.5 levels.
    Good lord, you're a self-centered, selfish player. I hope you're not on my server.

  17. #17
    LOL at this jabroni being mad about people wanting to do dungeon quests.

  18. #18
    High Overlord Zalatoby's Avatar
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    Classic dungeons were shit. I only did them to get quests done.

    WotLK dungeons, I spam. Love the vibe of them.

    And I feel that's how most people feel.
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

  19. #19
    Back in the days of old, dungeons were designed to take a long time. Spending an hour + in a leveling dungeon wasn't considered unusual. High level, multi-wing dungeons were multi-hour affairs to clear.

    Back when leveling was a meaningful process, gaining one new level felt rewarding. Doing a new dungeon for the first time, with quests, was likely to net you one level.

  20. #20
    Legendary! SinR's Avatar
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    How's that Meta Achievement coming along that apparently you can't get because you don't have TWW?
    We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others.

    Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual.
    I'm tired. So very tired. Can I just lay my head on your lap and fall asleep?

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