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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    And leveling alts is thing, that happens within whole duration of xpack. So, 71-79 characters will be constant problem in TW dungeons. And other players do TW to farm badges. It will be constant pain for them.
    No one (except perhaps you) plays TW dungeons as their main content. You do your weekly, you spend couple of hours smashing an alt to max and that's it. I don't think anyone cares much about a occasional scuffed run. There's so many bugs in the actual content, fixing something like this just isn't worth the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    why Wow constantly fails.
    Yet there is no evidence of that happening. WoW, from what we can see, is (still) doing just fine.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Bad excuse. Broken content is still broken. TWs are good for leveling, cuz they have common queue. Dunno why Blizzard still insist on per-xpack queues in regular dungeons. And leveling alts is thing, that happens within whole duration of xpack. So, 71-79 characters will be constant problem in TW dungeons. And other players do TW to farm badges. It will be constant pain for them.

    P.S. "Raids and M+ - are only content that matters" - is real reason, why Wow constantly fails.
    You made your account 10 years ago to talk about how WoW had failed. You have made dozens of threads about how/why it's failed, and going away. Through all of it, you kept playing. You threw thousands of dollars at them, all while saying they wronged you. That's just open masochism.

  3. #43
    Ehhh. I had to abandon Vanilla TW and switch to solo dungeons. May be Cata one will be better. Yeah, solo dungeons felt like were very unrewarding first. But it's actually illusion, because they aren't more unrewarding, than flying around ZM for whole day. And it's chilling grind. I like chilling grinds. Plus I can target specific bosses there. First I didn't like it. But, man. I don't remember last lime, when I had to do it. Back in MOP may be? Or even Cata? Targeting specific items has it's own charm. They are felt like real items, not just bunch of stats. Dunno why, but at some point it had become harder for me to become hooked. I need some time to get used to such content and make my dopamine pump.

    P.S. Blizzard should really add permanent "Guaranteed item from last boss" bonus. It works in DF solo dungeons and helps with terrible RNG a lot.

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