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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by kranur View Post
    Oh yeah, I had the naga trinity a few years ago and it barley lasted 1 year, then scroll became super rigid, double clicks and eventually stopped registering clicks.
    On the other hand I replaced my nari heaphones after 4 years and that because the shit pleather was peeling like crazy.
    Seems like build quiality is all over the place with their products.
    Also fuck having to keep synapse running even for something as basic as static color while the devices have onboard memory.
    Yeah, I guess it does seem random. I've had two Naga's, the original Epic Chroma and a newer V2 Hyperspeed. The Chroma lasted 6 years of daily use before having issues, and I got tired of that brick for a dock. The Hyperspeed is 2 years old and going strong. Meanwhile, I had a pair of Barracuda headphones that literally snapped in half at the band when putting them on one day, less than a year old and got a full warranty replacement that I haven't bothered to open because I already switched headphones.

  2. #42
    Immortal SL1200's Avatar
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    I got a razer mouse and keyboard. I wouldn't reccomend them to anyone.

  3. #43
    itll be a cold day in hell before i ever use razer again

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Every day a promotion is going to backfire on blizzard in some time.
    Since nobody cares anymore over time.
    If nobody cared, they wouldn't waste their time doing this kind of stuff. But they do care, which is why they're doing it. Just because you don't, it doesn't mean your opinion is the same as everyone else's.

  5. #45
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SL1200 View Post
    I got a razer mouse and keyboard. I wouldn't reccomend them to anyone.
    I have a Basilisk V3 Pro and I quite like it tbh, but I've had razer mice before that sucked donkey balls and got double click syndrome within months.

  6. #46
    based on the comments, i feel mine are justified in making my feelings heard to. I once played warcraft and on patch days they wouldn't come back online as promise in timely fashion. If they did come back online on time, it would be buggy.

    So i won't be purchasing this because of blizzards involvement. I rather buy a razor product not attached to this game because it will just make come with faulty software and even worse plug n play features if it's bundled with anything microsoft activision blizzard.

  7. #47
    It's their Xth promotion this year, which can only mean that the subs to their woke underground expansion are the lowest ever.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by SinR View Post
    Never buying Razer product again.

    Headset out the box and a 24hr charge would only last 4 hours after a full charge. Exchanged for a LogiTech headset that doesn't have quite the same features but will last 2+ days without being charged.
    Mouse that got the Double Clicks after a few months.
    Keyboard that doesn't recognize inputs after a few months. Like, I can MASH THE EVERLIVING FUCKING HELL out of my A Key and it only picks it up 1/2 the time.
    Did you spill something in it? My brother had that happen to one of his Razr keyboards. He insisted he'd never spilled anything on it but we took it apart (it was out of warranty) and the PCB looked like an 80 year old's used pair of Depends.

  9. #49
    Pit Lord Beet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Every day a promotion is going to backfire on blizzard in some time.
    Since nobody cares anymore over time.
    lol doubt. People talked about this kind of shit years ago that this was a slippery slope and everyone defended blizz. "If you don't like it don't buy it shut up"

    remember the days when you spent $15 a month for literally everything in WoW? i rememba. I remember the debate used to be about WoW going f2p that we would have stuff like this if they did. Yet here we are, it's still pay to play with all the old school f2p bullshit. I guess i'm lucky enough I play classic only which has zero of this lmao

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by sunxsera View Post
    150€ mouse that lasts a year. had 2 nagas & both had double-click problems after a few months which i had to repair.
    Current Naga Pros use optical switches which means double click is no longer possible. I did had an issue with the scroll tho, but they replaced my mouse.

  11. #51
    Has anybody actually gotten the digital rewards yet?

    I ordered the mouse 2 weeks ago on Dec 4th, received it on the 10th, it's now the 18th and I still haven't gotten any of the digital rewards (which are allegedly coming via e-mail) the digital rewards on the order still say they're processing.

    My intent is just to flip the mouse (probably at a slight loss), as I have no desire to spend that kind of money on a mouse in the long run - Frankly just wanted the new mount and pet. Just gonna try to get as much back out of the mouse as I can and I guess whatever I don't is what I'll end up paying for the digital stuff. (I'm hoping it's 3 different/separate codes, as this would also allow me to sell the skyrazor, as I already have that mount)

  12. #52
    The Lightbringer Kilpi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellfrog View Post
    It's their Xth promotion this year, which can only mean that the subs to their woke underground expansion are the lowest ever.
    Or a big anniversary and they go all in. Or s new Microsoft strategy. Woke, my ass. Go home.

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