1. #1
    Keyboard Turner
    3+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Adelaide, South Australia

    [Macro Request]Castsequence for flasks, algari mana oil, and weaponslot swaps

    Hey all,

    I'm trying to make a spammable button i can use when i phase into a random battleground (or whatever) for quality-of-life. The main trouble is the algari mana oil and how it only applies to the weapon in the MH slot. As a rogue, i can apply it to both weapons, but it requires me to swap my MH and OH to do so.

    This is what I have, and I felt like it worked once as though by accident, but I can't make it work again.

    /castsequence reset=30 Flask of Tempered Aggression, Algari Mana Oil, equip 17 16, Algari Mana Oil, equip 17 16, Wound Poison, Crippling Poison

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    The equip command can't be part of a castsequence.

    You could do something like...
    /castsequence [nobtn:2] Flask of Tempered Aggression, Wound Poison, Crippling  Poison
    /use [btn:2] Algari Mana Oil
    /equipslot [btn:2] 17 16
    Left click for flask/poison, right click (twice) for mana oil.
    Last edited by Elvenbane; 2024-12-10 at 02:18 AM.

  3. #3
    Keyboard Turner
    3+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Adelaide, South Australia
    Sorry! Just saw this, I appreciate it!

    It didn't work exactly as you might think it would based on how it reads, for some reason it requires 3 algari mana oils to apply it to two weapons (ie, the second algari mana oil would overlap the first application, then the third would correctly apply to the other weapon) but i fixed it by making the equipslot command execute on shift right click.

    Thanks so much! Exactly the kind of no-fuss button I was looking for. Really appreciate it!

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