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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Nzx View Post
    These two things are exactly the same. You spend time on both. Unless you're going to tell me that you believe most of us weren't "going to work anyway" before we realised it was possible to buy a Brutosaur with real money?
    They are absolutely not the same. The purity of the game itself matters to me. Any advantage outside of the game should be minimized. Some are unavoidable, people have crappy computers or bad internet. Some could be avoided, people with lots of money should not be able to buy an in-game advantage. But they can. And that is P2W.

  2. #82
    78 euros for the mount? Kinda pricey, but if you want it now and don’t wanna grind, might be worth it. What’s your take?

  3. #83
    The auction house should be integrated in the main menu button by default by this point.The game has "evolved" into quick activities/ instanced content and portals 24/7.

    Back in the day it sorta made sense for the player to have to travel to th AH within the cities. The game itself was focused more on traveling and exploration and the scale felt bigger as a whole.

    As for the price nobody can really tell you if it's worth or not,you do what you wish with your paycheck.

    I personally am opposed to Blizzard selling basically a convenience mount in a game that requires base price + expansion + monthly payment.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Schizoide View Post
    They are absolutely not the same. The purity of the game itself matters to me. Any advantage outside of the game should be minimized. Some are unavoidable, people have crappy computers or bad internet. Some could be avoided, people with lots of money should not be able to buy an in-game advantage. But they can. And that is P2W.
    The purity of the game lmao. Whatever you say man

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Haytham View Post
    I personally am opposed to Blizzard selling basically a convenience mount in a game that requires base price + expansion + monthly payment.
    Yes, exactly. And it’s particularly bad because it’s better than anything you can get in the game, the only way to get that QoL is to pay.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by pfbe View Post
    If you play the game enough that the time you waste visiting the AH (could be travel, could be relogging an AH alt and walking to the mailbox, etc) is worth more to you than 78€ over however long you plan to play, then it's a great buy.
    Reminds me why I stopped playing the game. The "great buy" and right way to play, seemed to not play.

    Basically I wanted to raid and do end-game, not grind 80% of the time in order to do 20% end-game.

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