More Tarnished Undermine Real and AQ Reagents Now Available
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
In Season of Discovery, there is an increased demand for crafting materials and Idols/Scarabs. One of our goals in this phase is to make idols and scarabs mean more to progression, such as being required for Reputation rings and their upgrades, but their acquisition rates have been lower than we hoped. We like making them available to players through dungeons or previous raid tiers, so with hotfixes that are now live:

  • Tarnished Undermine Real drops in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair increased to 3 per boss (was 1).
  • Damaged Undermine Supply Crates cost increased to 10 (was 5), and will now always contain some of the new Ahn’Qiraj crafting reagents, Scarabs, Idols from the Ruins or an Idol from the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.

Since there are consumables that require these items, we’d like to see players getting them from the Undermine Supply Crates to allow the market to be more accessible.

Please note: The above are ‘new’ boxes. Any old boxes purchased will not contain the new materials.