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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolicious View Post
    Season 3 and 4 of df they were similarly popular. Season 2 they were more in line with the typical representation of meta specs. But also holy paladin was basically the only healer played and they just got their rework then which probably played part in lower popularity.

    It's just insane how much they are played especially in the more "casual" content like weekly keys or pug raids. Not sure we ever had a spec be this popular for so long.
    it makes sense,when all other classes are a piano and ret is almost no different than how it was in wotlk lol

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    it makes sense,when all other classes are a piano and ret is almost no different than how it was in wotlk lol
    I'd actually prefer WotLK to this version since it averaged better single target. Modern Ret is fun if you wanna turn your brain off and do some dam but it's lost any semblance of nuance that it might have once had.

    It's why I mostly prefer to tank with my Paladin. Plays kinda similar to a DPS but has a lot more variance from pack-to-pack and you're actively encouraged to use your utility. Ret has much of the same utility but I don't think I've ever seen a Ret under a +12 use it on anything other than themselves. (Or they do dumb shit like BoP the tank mid pull.)

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