Originally Posted by
yes, you did - a pretty graphic level of self-contradictory gibberish.
every point you try to make is incompatible with every other point you try to make.
you being incoherent doesn't make me unreasonable, sorry dude.
so the lying is obviously pathological, are you aware of it on any conscious level or does your brain just not even register that you're full of shit?
or, hm... again, am i wrong here and i should be accusing you of being stupid instead?
read point 6 on my list above and then find two functioning neurons and a piece of lint to rub together and see if you can work out the context of what i meant by "shrill noise".
but hey good on ya for flipping your shit on someone who has over the years developed hearing sensitivity to loud sounds and finds wearing a headset and the constant barrage of sudden high pitched loud noises from open mics to be physically painful, and a risk of ongoing pain due to tinnitus so that one errant screech can leave me hurting for hours after.
real cool and mature of you, you definitely have the moral ground here. yep. real cool dude, you are. keep it up, skippy.