1. #1

    Helping a friend in a different country with legendary staff quest

    Is it likely to get either of you banned if you were to log in from another country into someone's account to beat a quest? Obviously it's not ideal and I'm not looking for any rude responses but it's the only thing I can think of currently to help him complete it. Gone through watching player stream, had the person rearange some addons for better viewing regarding interupts and purge but it feels like there isn't much more I can do to help. Player has been playing a long time and is using very suboptimal keys (6 keybinds without a modifier) and the rest are clicks. From my understanding it's against TOS but I was just hoping for a couple more opinions. No need for flaming or L2P kinda stuff. Can I help him or is it likely to catch me a ban?

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    its against tos but whos gonna know lol? no1 is monitoring ip's,yeah just play on his character

  3. #3
    You think the different countries would be an issue? Could I be accused of being a leveling service or something like that? As far as keybinds and such that would be what I have set up on my PC or would it require a keybind update?

  4. #4
    Pretty sure keybinds are linked to the account,the only issue you may run in to is if your friend has authentificator,but you can deal with it,people have been account share boosting in arenas since tbc,some even streaming it lol and nothing happened

  5. #5
    Alright. Appreciate the replies

  6. #6
    It's like this. Piloting is against the tos, if they catch you, they will probably ban the account.
    Now, it's extremely unlikely that they will or care about a one off thing, when they go for these things they care about those who sell piloting services and not a friend helping another.

  7. #7
    What would you think the likelihood of this getting either account banned is? I really want to help and it's only a quest that's caused multiple hours of frustration on my friends end. Probably talking 40 or so plus attempts and 5 hours or so. I'm really torn here and I feel like being in separate countries could get us flagged. I really want to help, there would be no gold or items traded in exchange for this, merely one friend helping out another. Is it boosting when the player has the required items to do the quest but just can't manage to beat it after multiple attempts? I can see this being wrong as per TOS but in reality it's just helping a friend beat a level kinda thing. I've even considered directly asking Blizzard but realized I would only be met with an automated response. We are not in the same guild, it would not benefit me, it would save a lot of frustration on his end but is that a valid excuse? I really just don't know. It feels like a risk not worth taking but he has put in the work, collected the items, tried over and over and hasn't been able to beat it.

  8. #8
    The Lightbringer Christan's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Mar 2010
    Use a remote control program, then its his own ip will show as connected
    Still I cry, tears like pouring rain, Innocent is my lurid pain.

  9. #9
    Exactly what I did. Will update this thread if I catch a ban

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