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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagthul View Post
    Came here for this old gem.

    This isnt a “PvP game” (theres no such genre).

    Every time they make PvP rewards less relevant or remove them (remember templates?), PvP participation absolutely craters.

    People who play MMOs, even for the PvP aspect, want to have power progression. Every time they try to remove or tone it down, PvP gets worse and participation dies. Every. Single. Time. For 20 years.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For as long as it was possible to track externally (via achievements for earning X Conquest/Honor per season, which dont exist anymore), FAR more people earned a full set of Conquest gear (or the Conquest needed to do so, at least) than did end-game raids. Like, 4-6x as many.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That will kill PvP.

    The last time anything similar was done, PvP participation fell over 90%.

    People who play MMOs want power progression.

    People who want an “even playing field” have other genres - shooters, MOBAs, etc.
    Agreed, if you want PVP to be more "popular" revert PVP gear back to TBC where Resilience was an added stat on gear and didn't take up a slot. Then PVE people will PVP and all the PVP people can destroy them and stroke their E Peen and the PVE people will get their gear and maybe even stick with it.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by schwank05 View Post
    Agreed, if you want PVP to be more "popular" revert PVP gear back to TBC where Resilience was an added stat on gear and didn't take up a slot. Then PVE people will PVP and all the PVP people can destroy them and stroke their E Peen and the PVE people will get their gear and maybe even stick with it.
    He isnt wrong, most people need a progression system, and rating is a bad one since it fluctuates so much. You start with 1950mmr currently in solo shuffle, just by going 3/3 every game you will end up at 2k right now, meanwhile at the start of the season 2k was r1 for some specs. And grindable gear (and not something locked behind pve) gives people a easy thing to strive for.

    It just is fun to have BiS gear and smash people in a bg, and its something everyone could have achieved but it still took a LOT of effort. And that kept people playing, escpecially the bad ones. Its not fun to instantly start losing if you queue solo shuffle or 2s and its also not fun to die over and over in a bg with no means of progression bar getting good. Gear is that missing progression.

    Back in MoP getting that weapon (be it honour or conquest) was pure dopamine, nowadays its nothing.

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