Originally Posted by
Just Passing through
Spot on - I know people used to complain how much they had to wait between patches or x-pacs with "nothing to do" - but boy do I wish they would slow down with the pace Blizzard has now.
If I am not mistaken, it even looks like we will get a new x-pac after something like 18 months, not the two year cycle.
Well...to me it currently is: No way I am also constantly will squeeze 5 TW dungeons in regularely for another mount recolor - at least this stuff of bombarding us with cosmetics and mounts has me feeling less and less obliged to play, quite the opposite of what I feared.
Won't even do Plunderstorm - sure...the sets look marginally better than the one we could get on the Trading Post, but that one is good enough for me. And I already skipped the MoP remix, will certainly skip the Legion one.