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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Just Passing through View Post
    Don't be sorry and no, I was not offended. Of course you are allowed your opinion and I hope you are mentally ok now - and managed to abandon this "braindead" and also "measly mobile phone like game".

    Can't imagine how bad it would be for you - feelingl so bad about this game, yet still be compelled to play it and even worse, pay for your pain.
    This isn't a bad game. I still love it. But it has more and more these activities for adicted people.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by AtomR View Post
    This isn't a bad game. I still love it. But it has more and more these activities for adicted people.
    Spot on - I know people used to complain how much they had to wait between patches or x-pacs with "nothing to do" - but boy do I wish they would slow down with the pace Blizzard has now.

    If I am not mistaken, it even looks like we will get a new x-pac after something like 18 months, not the two year cycle. me it currently is: No way I am also constantly will squeeze 5 TW dungeons in regularely for another mount recolor - at least this stuff of bombarding us with cosmetics and mounts has me feeling less and less obliged to play, quite the opposite of what I feared.

    Won't even do Plunderstorm - sure...the sets look marginally better than the one we could get on the Trading Post, but that one is good enough for me. And I already skipped the MoP remix, will certainly skip the Legion one.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Just Passing through View Post
    Spot on - I know people used to complain how much they had to wait between patches or x-pacs with "nothing to do" - but boy do I wish they would slow down with the pace Blizzard has now.

    If I am not mistaken, it even looks like we will get a new x-pac after something like 18 months, not the two year cycle. me it currently is: No way I am also constantly will squeeze 5 TW dungeons in regularely for another mount recolor - at least this stuff of bombarding us with cosmetics and mounts has me feeling less and less obliged to play, quite the opposite of what I feared.

    Won't even do Plunderstorm - sure...the sets look marginally better than the one we could get on the Trading Post, but that one is good enough for me. And I already skipped the MoP remix, will certainly skip the Legion one.
    They've been wanting to to 18 months expansion since like forever .. and they never managed.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by kranur View Post
    They've been wanting to to 18 months expansion since like forever .. and they never managed.
    In wow, for me, there is nothing more exciting and refreshing than a new expansion. It's the only time the story actually moves forward (like it or not). I would not mind more frequent expansions but It would probably reduce the quality of the new zones. However I also think it's time to stop adding so many new islands and come up with a way to tell new stories in the old places (eastern kindoms, kalindor, northrend) and have a way to move between the zones timeline to the one you want. And this way have ways to have cities and factions collapse, new ones showing up and all manner of local storylines besides the big universe ending one. And I mean a better system than talking to zidormi or whoever you can talk to right now in zones that have "past states"
    Last edited by AtomR; 2025-01-14 at 10:57 AM.

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